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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My dear chemist,its another time to decide who will lead us for another 1yia.its time to vote transparency,accountability,reliability,and its time to vote a leader who has the welfare of all of us at heart. Its time to Vote Hon kenny to lead us to the promise land.
A vote for Kenny is a vote for new chemistry.
A vote for kenny is a Vote for consolidation.
A vote for Kenny is a Vote for transparency.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Several people have become slaves to unhappiness when life itself is not meant for you to be sad.

So many things can be done to make unhappiness to become things of the past. Here are some tips from me to you:

1 . Love God:

The only true happiness comes from God. When you are sad maybe due to human errors or something else, God can turn the situation around which will definitely put smiles on your face.
Without the love of God in you unhappiness will be the order of the day.

2 . Love yourself :

The most important thing in life is to love oneself. Your face, figure, problems or what have you shouldn't be making you unhappy when you have a living God that requires just your faith. No matter the situation you may find yourself just learn to love yourself by trusting your problems on God alone and carry on with your life. Pretend to be perfect in your imperfection because you are the only one that can make yourself happy. The way you appear to people is the way
you will be accepted, appreciated or depreciated.

3 . Be focused:

When you are here and there at the same time you might be determining your unhappiness. When you know what you want and you go for it be it educationally, career wise etc then
happiness is not far from you. At times, you might not have what it takes to fulfil your desires. Your desire might not come as fast as you expected it but through hard work it will surely come to past. Don't Kill two birds with a stone. Things should be done one after the other.

4 . Get ready to be disappointed:

One thing that is inevitable in human race is disappointment. The fact that human beings are not perfect being then you need to expect the "unexpectable". Human being will promise and fail. Your best friend might betray you one way or the other. Someone very close to you might disappoint you. Be ready to be disappointed by those you love. You yourself might disappoint someone else unknowingly. The last time i checked, God was/is the only perfect being in the universe. Since you have this in mind you can never be sad when it happens because you are ready for it.

5 . Learn to forgive:

When you hold grudges against people due to the offense they have committed against you, you will never be happy because when you have anything to do with that same person you will never be happy dealing with the person. When you hold offense against people your conscience will never leave you until you release and let go of the grudge. Forgive even before you are offended is a huge secret to happiness.

6 . Learn to love again:
Many people are sad due to Heartbreak. You will not be happy because of the scar that has been left in you by the person you love. The only way to forget and be happy is to replace the one that has made you unhappy. There are so many good men and women out there waiting for you, don't think everyone are the same. Let someone else remove the scar in you and be happy for life.

7 . Be useful to others:

Always remember you are not the only one in the world. If it was only you then life would have been miserable. Be helpful to others, give when its necessary to give and also help when its needed. When you put smiles on people's face you will definitely be happy.

Majority reading this may come from forum, search engine, social network. Some will read it because of the subject line. It is obvious that majority view blogs and website for:
* Information
* Photo gallery
* Downloads
* Others

How about you how do you view blogs and website? Sit down and ask yourself blog and website, what can they do for us? How about source of income, dose that arose your interest? Yes, there are more to know about blogs and website, but we will mostly focusing on the five way we can use our blog and website as source of income.

Affiliate program is a way of referring people to purchase item online and get paid for the purchase. Affiliate only paid when sales is complete.

The easiest and most immediate way to make money online is affiliate marketing. It is as ultimate middle person business mode. You won’t be task in making in making product, processing payment or dealing with customer service issue. You will be selling, but your main aims to introduce the product.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, it is said that, to make money online, you need to first give out something of value and quality freely, with that you will be rewarded with a great sales.

Choosing Product
We are going to list out where to find product online and how to sign up for Affiliate Program Company
* Commission Junction
* LinkShare
* ShareaSale
* Clickbank

In affiliate program, it is not about the product or the program, it about if the program is relevant to your site.

A blog is a free blogging service Blogger, Wordpress run by its company and it is free to anyone who wishes to create one for himself as far as that person accepts the company policies and manage it to earn money.

Creating your first post in your blog is as easy as typing a regular text document (Microsoft Document). So when thinking about how to make money online you should seriously consider blogging. It is one of the easiest means of making an honest living online.

How It Work
Here is how blog works:
* Add affiliate banner and link
* Get traffic by pulling visitors to your blog from social network, forum, and search engine by posting content. The important thing about blog is quality content which attract visitor.
* Grab hold of traffic tools

The interesting part about blog is that the more traffic (visitor) you get into your blog and subscribers is equivalent to the more money transfer to your account.

Oh no, this is where people feel intimidating as a software creator. How can become software creator when I can’t operate on one, not to think of making money from it? Yes, you can make money from a software program even if you are not a creator.

Let me tell you an experience from a software program book (name withheld), “am not a software creator or a programmer, but how I make money from creating a software is, I hire a software creator from freelancer, give them idea about the software and they create it and send it to me. I upload the software to my website and make money by selling the software.”

From the experience, it shows that you don’t have to create or develop software in other to make money from it. Just hire a programmer to do the software for you then you do the selling.

Most of us have experience with offline radio show like
* Hobbyist
* Music
* Faith Broadcasting

The above list attracts audience. All this run down to a common problem which is he cost involve on running a radio station, server bills, license, advertising, radio equipment and lot more.

Have you consider hosting an internet radio show? Having an internet radio show on the web is like having a valuable tool in your hand which helps in generating revenue. You can advertise product on your radio show from google AdSense, amazon, eBay and other

There are lots more about website or blogs. If it is about generating revenue from website or blogs, there are varieties of way to generate revenue from website or blog apart from the ones I list above

Anyone that honestly believed that a man who secretly shares the same vision and core principles of Boko Haram and who spent many years defending them can do anything but give them a free hand when he comes to power is living in cuckoo land.

I am not surprised by all the recent bombings and killings. I am not surprised by the resurgence of Boko Haram and their new-found barbarity, courage and zeal. Military checkpoints have been removed from our roads so what do you expect?

Boko Haram suspects are now being kept in prisons in the eastern part of the country in order to ''spread the word'' and no less than 182 Boko Haram suspects were released on the Presidents orders just a few days ago. Is all this just a coincidence or is something that is dark and sinister now afoot in our country?

Whatever each of us may or may not believe, one thing is clear- that Boko Haram now have powerful friends and secret allies right at the epicenter of power and those friends and allies are running the affairs of the country.

There is a much wider picture unfolding here which the Nigerian people have yet to see and which they find difficult to accept, understand or comprehend. There is a hideous and frightful hidden agenda which is slowly manifesting before our very eyes. Though we warned them, the Nigerian people wanted "change" so they must live with the consequences of their choice.

One of those consequences is the new-found audacity, courage, growing power and rising strength of Boko Haram. Another is the resurgence of a clearly ethnic agenda which is designed to leave no-one in doubt about who really owns Nigeria and who the slaves are.

Another is the destruction and demystification of Bola Tinubu and his yoruba loyalists by his erstwhile northern allies in the APC. Only a fool did not see that one coming and I am rather surprised that Tinubu's followers are now crying foul and alleging that there is a northern conspiracy. Didnt they know that before? Were they not warned over and over again?

There are many other grave consequences which the Nigerian people will witness, in a most harrowing and frightful manner, in the next few months and years. May God deliver our people and our nation and may we learn to make the right choices.

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