
Showing posts from 2015

Men Eating Wedding Meal From Packer (Photos)

One Word for these guys? As for me its simply creative   

6 Lovely Indigenous Nigerian Wedding Attires And Bridal Looks (photos)

Whoever said Nigeria is the happiest country in the world was not far from the truth. In Nigeria, there is absolutely a reason to be merry. One of such is Marriage. Wedding in Nigeria is one of the most ceremonious occasions everybody looks forward to. Unlike what we have in the west where marriages are not a big deal and can happen at any time, anywhere or with anybody, for Nigerians, it takes a whole lot to plan and prepare for either one’s traditional marriage or what we call “the white wedding”. In all, the wedding dress is most paramount issue of all the preparations. I guess it will be right to say that in Nigeria, there is no wedding without a ‘proper ghen ghen’ wedding dress. To prove this point is the fact that wedding dresses are what most Nigerian ladies look out for in any wedding. Well, like earlier said, Nigerian weddings comes in two major ways – the traditional wedding and the white wedding and for each, different wedding dresses are worn. Here are some ...

7 Signs She Is Only Using You For Sex

Every woman dream is to have a perfect man with perfect qualities (full options), the option of very good in bed is inclusive so let us not deceive ourselves. But it's so very unfortunate that most men can't have all the qualities. This option make most girls keep several men for different qualities. So right now I will only list the sex quality. Here are 6 signs to note that she is only using you for sex. 1, She always wants you to talk dirty on the phone:. When all she want from you on the phone is to talk spoilt and dirty gist every time. 2, She doesn't bother you for cash:. When a girl only sees you as sex partner the chances for her to demand money from you is very low. 3, She does not talk future with you:. she always goes mute each time you raise anything futuristic gist, she will never contribute anything to it. 4, She only comes to your house when she is sex starved:. the minutes she enter your house she goes Straight to your bed and start cuddling...

7 Types Of Phone Users

There are different types of phone users based on how they get a new phone and how the use it. and these set of people are.... 1. I see, I like, I buy! These set of people just buy any phone, anyhow, anytime, any amount. Based on "that's what is trending now" or they just like the phone when they saw it. Today iPhone 6, tomorrow galaxy s6 edge, next tomorrow Blackberry priv. 2. Annual Upgrade These set of people have one particular brand of phone they use. They just buy a new version of it once its out. And use it till the next version is out. Is this set of people you find on queue waiting for sales to begin on the next version "iphone" especially. I still don't see why I go line up for days just because I wan buy the latest iphone. 3. Bi-annual upgrade These set of people don't buy latest flagships, they buy flagships of 2 years old. For example, when galaxy s5 came out, my friend bought s3, now there is s6, he is using s4. 4. Team london ...

Hadiza Saddik-Mahuta Breaks Record In The UK After Bagging Distinction In Law

Some Nigerians in diaspora are really making the country proud with outstanding performances in their different areas of focus. Keep up the good work. Pictured is Hadiza Saddik Mahuta who was recently awarded the degree of 'Masters of Law' after graduating with distinction from the University of West England Bristol. Not only that, she also had her name placed on the school's 'Star of Fame' datatbase. Congratulations to her...

See What Happens When You Mistakenly Shout Sai Baba In A Fuel Queue(pic)

Some Nigerians can be damn crazy.This one really cracked me up.Seriously it is not easy to govern a nation like Nigeria.

Sins That Lead To Self-destruction: Christians Must Avoid

When we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior, we know He has conquered sin in our life. It is through His death that our sins have been cleansed and no longer to be remembered. Jesus’ life makes the difference. "Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him”  Pride  - quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Gluttony  – excess in eating and drinking: “for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags” (Proverbs 23:21). Greed  - excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness: “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more” (Ephesians 4:19). Laziness  – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous: “The way of the sluggar...

Big Snake Killed (PIX)

The dog below (see pix) went inside a small bush near my compound to play and suddenly the dog started screaming and suddenly stopped screaming without any other noise from the dog. The children who were playing outside suddenly rushed into the bush to check what could be wrong with the dog, only to find the dog dead. They were surprised and comb the bush to find out what could have killed the dog. After killing the dog the snake hid itself and so the children didn't know. A small boy saw a grassy area and suspected that something could be there, and so he put his leg inside the grassy area, only for the snake to rise up quickly and nearly grabbed the boy's leg. The children started shouting and their shout attracted their father who came out with a locally made gun (hunters gun) and shot the snake dead.

PHOTO: 95% Of People Will Fail This Simple Mathematics

Prove yourself

President Buhari Pictured With His Grandsons

President Buhari pictured above with two of his grandsons....

6 Categories Of Mobile Network Customers. Where Do You Belong?

Straight to business...... 1) A-Class: These guys are super duper rich. They never know how much credit they have cos they never have to recharge. All they do is make calls. Someone is employed to ensure their phones never run outta air time. They are folks like CEOs, Chairmen, and other big company owners or government company heads. 2) B-Class: These guys are also stinkingly rich, but are slightly lesser in power than the A-Class. They connect their bank accounts with their mobile network service providers. They too almost never keep track of their credit. The bank just keeps recharging for them. 3) C-Class: These guys are big boys too. But they buy recharge cards from retailers. They can buy like 10k air time at a go. Some even buy more. They are big spenders when it comes to recharging their phones. Only difference is they keep record of their credit and buy from retailers. 4) D-Class: Ok, you got the regular guys here. They also buy from retailers, but not so much. ...

Chidimma Just Broke My Heart With This Photo

The rate at which guys are kissing chidimma this days is giving me lotsa concern. I've always loved her right from MTN project fame.. I could remember during that MTN project fame show which authomatically shot her up to fame, i used to recharge my phones for her sake and also make sure my sibling and folks vote for her... Now she don become celebrity, everybody just dey smooch her anyhow after i had invested on her. This not fair

I present to you MY HERO!

I always use a pedestrian bridge at Anthony Bus stop along Ikorodu Road, Lagos state on my way to work each morning. There is a man who makes sure the bridge is kept clean no matter the weather - sunny or rainy. He sweeps the length of the bridge with passion and enthusiasm. I often wonder where he gets his motivation. This man HAS NO HANDS!!! Both his wrists are cut-off by what I assume was from a factory machine accident. How he holds broom? He clasps both bones together while sandwiching the broom between them. While many of his kind are begging, this #MadeOfBlack Hero has decided to be useful to the society. He is always full of appreciation. His charming smile and prayers motivates me each morning. My opinion, if anyone deserves nominating for the Guinness #MadeOfBlack, it is this Hero! I have a secretly recorded video of him which shows in clarity his good works... Let's help give this much publicity so that this unknown and unsung #MadeOfBlack Hero will be cel...

Read What This Swedish Reporter Says About Nigeria And Buhari

What do you think.

Male Celebrities Who Crush On Genevieve Nnaji And Their Confessions [list]

Obviously, Genevieve Nnaji [Pictured above] is an amazing personality the the Nigerian Entertainment industry and abroad. She is most times referred to as the queen of Nollywood. She has been a role model and a source of inspiration to many young ladies in Nigeria and beyond. With all her achievements, Style and Class, it is only normal for men to crush over her but when Celebrities like her start "Crushing" too, that means there must be something about the ebony-hued innocent looking damsel from Mbaise, Imo State for many of her colleagues’ fantasies to revolve around her. Probably its her social discipline; i wouldn't know, but Genny who is a mother of one, has little or no scandals compared to her contemporaries. Now lets take a look at Celebrities who have had and still have Crush on the "goddess". Lets roll...... D’BANJ Honestly, I’m not dating Genevieve. Let me clear the air now. I never had a crush on her. JOHN AGOHA ‘Genevieve is my crush....


💌 Someone has written these beautiful words. Read and try to understand the deeper meaning of them. 1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout life. 2. Why is a car's windshield so large & the rear view mirror so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, look ahead and move on. 3. Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes a few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write. 4. All things in life are temporary. If they are going well, enjoy them, they will not last forever. If they are going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either. 5. Old friends are gold! New friends are diamond! If you get a diamond, don't forget the gold! To hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold! 6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart; it's just a bend, not the end!...

Policemen Push Patrol Van To Start In Lagos (Photos)

Police vans in Lagos in really bad condition. This One had to be pushed to start.....

Five Funny Ways To Get Attended To Fast In Banks

Five Funny ways on how to get attended to fast/jump queue legally in a bank In Nigeria today,most of the banks we have are very slow in their service,customers would have to wait on the queue for many minutes before they could be attended to. Now I have devised five funny ways in which you can get answered to on time,believe me,noone would fight or argue with you when the bank cashiers are attending to you ,even if you are the last person on the queue..let's get to it already.. 1.Get a Baby!!(lol,not for men though)yea,I am not telling you girls to go and get pregnant oo...just carry the baby of ur neighbour(tell d mother you are going to d bank !!don't let them lynch you ooo!!)when you get inside the bank,fill ur teller,go on the queue and pinch d good baby,when the cry of the baby rings the air..everybody on the teller would be pleading with the cashier to attend to you,(don't forget to buy biscuits for the cool baby oo) 2.Fall down and Faint!!( thi...

Don't Laugh Alone: Please, What Is This Hairstyle Called? (photo)

Don't Laugh Alone: Please, What Is This Hairstyle Called? (photo) Nairalanders abeg help us answer: what is this new style of hair called? Somebody said it's called: "AIDS Is Real, ZIP UP!", lol.

10 Reasons Why You Should Go To Church!

I got thinking about this! Why do we go to church? What benefit is there in attending church regularly… for me, for you, for others? Here's my list and we should ponder on it if we've not been going to church. 1. The Bible indicates it’s what we should do. (Hebrews 10:25) 2. You will have the opportunity to worship God. 3. You will likely have some of life big questions answered. 4. Being there will encourage your pastors and leaders. 5. You’ll be encouraged in your walk with God. 6. If you’re single, you may meet someone. 7. If you have kids, it will teach them to value God and His Church. 8. It honours God. 9. Because gathering is part of what makes u a christian. 10. It'll help u acknowledge and confess your sins.


My dear chemist,its another time to decide who will lead us for another 1yia.its time to vote transparency,accountability,reliability,and its time to vote a leader who has the welfare of all of us at heart. Its time to Vote Hon kenny to lead us to the promise land. A vote for Kenny is a vote for new chemistry. A vote for kenny is a Vote for consolidation. A vote for Kenny is a Vote for transparency.

Some Ways To Make Yourself Happy

Several people have become slaves to unhappiness when life itself is not meant for you to be sad. So many things can be done to make unhappiness to become things of the past. Here are some tips from me to you: 1 . Love God: The only true happiness comes from God. When you are sad maybe due to human errors or something else, God can turn the situation around which will definitely put smiles on your face. Without the love of God in you unhappiness will be the order of the day. 2 . Love yourself : The most important thing in life is to love oneself. Your face, figure, problems or what have you shouldn't be making you unhappy when you have a living God that requires just your faith. No matter the situation you may find yourself just learn to love yourself by trusting your problems on God alone and carry on with your life. Pretend to be perfect in your imperfection because you are the only one that can make yourself happy. The way you appear to people is the way you will b...

What You Need To Know About Blogs And Website

Majority reading this may come from forum, search engine, social network. Some will read it because of the subject line. It is obvious that majority view blogs and website for: * Information * Photo gallery * Downloads * Others How about you how do you view blogs and website? Sit down and ask yourself blog and website, what can they do for us? How about source of income, dose that arose your interest? Yes, there are more to know about blogs and website, but we will mostly focusing on the five way we can use our blog and website as source of income. MAKE MONEY ONLINE WITH AFFILIATE PROGRAM Affiliate program is a way of referring people to purchase item online and get paid for the purchase. Affiliate only paid when sales is complete. The easiest and most immediate way to make money online is affiliate marketing. It is as ultimate middle person business mode. You won’t be task in making in making product, processing payment or dealing with customer service issue. You will be ...

Nigerians Must Live With The Consequences Of "CHANGE" - FFK

Anyone that honestly believed that a man who secretly shares the same vision and core principles of Boko Haram and who spent many years defending them can do anything but give them a free hand when he comes to power is living in cuckoo land. I am not surprised by all the recent bombings and killings. I am not surprised by the resurgence of Boko Haram and their new-found barbarity, courage and zeal. Military checkpoints have been removed from our roads so what do you expect? Boko Haram suspects are now being kept in prisons in the eastern part of the country in order to ''spread the word'' and no less than 182 Boko Haram suspects were released on the Presidents orders just a few days ago. Is all this just a coincidence or is something that is dark and sinister now afoot in our country? Whatever each of us may or may not believe, one thing is clear- that Boko Haram now have powerful friends and secret allies right at the epicenter of power and those friends and al...


What an excitement day in unibuja, as me and my friends move out to celebrate Barcelona treble trophies this season...... Few of us turnout and we make it so full of fun as we snap pictures together even with others clubs fans..... WE LOVE U BARCELONA..PLS KEEP UP.....UP MSN (PSP)...... UP ALVES....... UP BUSQUET..... UP MASCHERANO........ UP ALBA..... UP PIQUE........ UP RAKITIC.... UP INIESTA...... UP BABA XAVI.... we will all miss u xavi... We wish u all d best in d remianing journey. Pls return back home when u retire.........ONE LOVE BARCA........ONE LOVE UNIBUJA........ONE LOVE NIGERIA... I cant keep this.. For my three wise men. MESSI SUAREZ AND NEYMAR...(MSN)....WE LOVE U ALL.. I KNOW ...

10 Shameful Things Ladies Do Because They Want To Be Seen As Big Girls

The wavelength of ladies living fake life in order to be seen as "Big Girls" has hit elastic limit which is common to Nigerian babes and their counterparts across the globe. Fake accent, Pirated wigs and other gibberish things are being exhibited by these categories of ladies in order to clinch the High and Mighty of the society like politicians, top business men, etc whereby they result to doing shameful things which are; 1. Running After A dude Because He is Rich Due to their level of desperation, they chase rich dudes like football by dressing half unclad to his house, office and other private places. Their intention is to stylishly "magad" the rich dude to get them cars and etcetera to do show off among their friends. 2. Skin Bleaching and Excessive Make-up Categories of such ladies don't like the word "Black is Beautiful". Perhaps they inherit such vague intellect from Michael jackson who turn himself to "Oyinbo Agric Fowl...

Why Patience Jonathan Didn't Attend Buhari's Inaguration Ceremony

The absence of Patience Jonathan from the inauguration ceremony of President Muhammadu Buhari has raised different questions among Nigerians. Mrs Jonathan, unlike other wives of Nigerian leaders was conspicuously absent from the inauguration of President Muhammadu Buhari. Many have said that Mrs Jonathan who was last seen with her husband at the inauguration dinner which heldThursday night had through her body language showed her displeasure over her husband’s outster by the current President as she never looked at the direction of President Buhari who shared the same high-table with her throughout the dinner. However, DAILY POST has gathered that it took the intervention of friends and family for the ousted First Lady to have agreed to follow her husband to the dinner. Her reason, according to a presidency source was that she may not be able to control her emotion as it’s painful giving up power just after one term in office. The source further disclosed that Mrs Jonathan br...

Diffrence Between Aje Butter And Aje Kpako

1. Eating meat after food: girl if you keep your meat in the plate and concentrate on the food, no vex no be your fault na kpako tins. Aje butters eat meat while eating their food and may even leave the meat unattended to maybe because its Red Meat. *kpako no dey try dat kin rough play 2. PaPa and MaMa: Growing up and you played Papa and Mama things, where you cook make belive food and you sleep together and do *nothing*, only Aje Kpakos did those while Aje butter had their mumu oyibo barbie doll or teddy bear to play with. *imagine kpako pikin dey act Snow white na ewelwe be dat* 3. Mama thank ma, Papa thank sir: Growing up then after we finish eating, we ll go to our dad and mum and thank them like this: Me: Papa thank sir Papa: thank God my son. We do same with our mum also while for the aje butter when they are done eating they leave the plates for the maid to pack and they go down to their room and continue watching their movie, their Mum or Dad will now come into their r...

Amazing Pictures From Nigeria's Past... what a blessed country......

Benjamin Adekunle and wife walks into church for Gowon's wedding in 1969.   Young Sani Abacha and Wife   Lagos Bus (1973)    HRH Oba Adeyinka Okupe. Father of Dr. Doyin Okupe   Agbonmagbe Bank. The bank failed to meet the provision of the new banking decree and it was taken over and renamed Wema Bank in 1970.   Traditional marriage of Fela and his 27wives.    Minister of Education,Ibrahim Shekarau in the 80's    Jaja of Opobo (full name: Jubo Jubogha; 1821–1891) was the first known Nigerian RICHEST MAN, nationalist, a merchant prince and the founder of Opobo city-state which now forms part of Nigeria`s River State. Three of the women sitting in the front row wear Western (Victorian) style clothes. that is dressing like the queen of england. when most nigerias cant even wear cloths. 1888.   Ifeanyichukwu Transport Ltd. (1974) Alake of...