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Thursday, January 8, 2015

If you are a boring guy, sorry, your woman
might end up in the arms of that silly, funny
dude...just because he is funny. Read
reasons from below..

Why is it when girls are asked what qualities
they look for in a guy, most say a sense of

There’s just something about a guy who
makes you giggle like a little schoolgirl, and
there’s a reason Seth Rogen never fails to
steal our hearts in every movie.

Funny guys have a charm and electricity
about them that is hard to deny. Below are
the real reasons why the silly man will
always have you hooked:

He never fails to entertain you

Dating a guy with a good sense of humor
never gets boring. He is spontaneous and will
pull almost any stunt for a laugh. It makes
things exciting because you have to be quick
to keep up with him.
To be funny, a guy must be witty
and creative: plus and plus!
If you ask any writer what the most difficult
genre to write for is, he or she will most likely
say comedy. Sure, anyone can tell a good ol’
fashion fart joke, but it takes a certain type
of a genius to nail a punchline that will make
you laugh until your belly hurts.
To be on his game, he must be quick on his
feet and original. If your guy is truly funny,
he probably has a vast knowledge of peculiar
facts and an arsenal of voices to share them

He knows how to handle social

Nothing eases up an awkward moment better
than a good-hearted joke. He has made
enough inappropriate wisecracks to know
when the time is right to tease and when it is
better to keep his mouth shut.
You no longer have to cringe about leaving
your guy in a room alone with others. Part of
being funny is knowing where everyone else
is coming from. Building off others, he can
find something in common that they can all
chat or even chuckle about.

He is naturally very observant

How is he going to poke fun at your “Hunger
Games” poster unless he’s taken a moment
to observe your room?
The reason comedians are so good at what
they do is attributed to their keen sense of
what’s going on around them and ability to
find the absurdness in it. A good way to one-
up his witty remarks is to thank him for

He makes you a better person

You stressed out too much before he entered
the picture; now he teaches you to laugh at
life and yourself.
Your safety wall melts away when he is
around, and when he makes a fool out of
himself, you feel more comfortable to do the
same. What is a sweeter love when you can
both truly be yourself around each other?

He gets along with your friends

He goes out of his way to impress your
friends and show them a good time. He feels
the need to perform and does not mind
taking the stage.
Your friends like him because he is the life of
the party. Whether it’s wacky impressions or
dry sarcasm, they find him a riot and like
seeing you so smitten.

He doesn’t feed into drama

Goofy guys usually do not let their temper
get the best of them. He tends not to take
life too seriously or any dramatic person for
that matter.
If there is another funny friend in the group,
he sees it as a faceoff. They are more likely
to exchange punchlines instead of punches,
making it even more fun for everyone else.

He radiates confidence
It takes a secure guy to poke fun at himself
for your amusement. Even if he does not act
super confident in front of everyone, it is
obvious when you two are together.
Maybe it is something about having you on
his arm, but anytime you are together, there
is a chip on his shoulder that you find
charming, yet playfully challenging. Just
keep it light and avoid a low blow because
underneath every funny guy is an emotional

Pranksters are secretly sensitive

Let’s face it: The class clown was never the
smartest guy in class or the biggest jock in
high school. He made others laugh to get by
and was easily able to hide his emotions
behind his jokes.
Unlike so many guys who seem one-
dimensional, funny guys have a beautiful
complex to them. When they are comfortable
enough to reveal their sensitive side to us, it
is a special and intimate feeling.

Most importantly, he never fails to
bring a smile to your face

It is impossible to stay upset for long with
his cute little smirk in front of you. He knows
exactly how to make you laugh through tears,
and it’s both a blessing and a curse.
If you laugh at all his funny antics, you
probably have a crush. If you also laugh at
his failed one-liners, you, my friend, are
already in love.


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