Do you that God is a specialist at disgracing mockers and giving His children the last laugh. This NEW MONTH, you shall laugh last in Jesus? Name!  when Bartimaeus was crying to Jesus for help, some people were irritated. Do you know that there are people who do not want your voice to be heard at all? ?Shut up you blind beggar! With people like us around, do you think the master would have time for a beggar like you?? They laughed at him with an air of importance, but he ignored their mockery and cried out for help all the more. They got angry at his defiance. ? You?ve got some nerve, you noisy fellow! If you know what is good for you, you better keep your mouth shut!? They continued mocking him as the crowd moved along. However, to their amazement, Jesus suddenly stopped and said, ?There is a blind beggar along the street behind us. Go and bring him here now.? Immediately, the laughter of the mockers ceased. The laughter of your mockers has come to a permanent end dis MONTH in Jesus' Name! The same mockers became his helper.? They politely took him to Jesus, and after Jesus healed him, he became the center of attraction. In dis MONTH OF NOVEMBER, you that people thought would never amount to anything will become the center of attraction in Jesus? Name!


source.... RCCG open heavens daily devotional_


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