
Showing posts from February, 2015

Woes Of A Frustrated Graduate

Its of general knowledge that evri1 has different ways of dissipating their pains when life tends 2 be unfair. Some lights dia marijuanas, some,pray, some head 2 d brothel while majority hits d bottle. But as for me, I love 2 write it out. So dnt mind any form of grammatical blunder or aberration in dix text cos a frustrated and half-sane graduate is currently on the keyboard. Just about a year ago wen I finished my nysc (just clocked 24 then), d hopes were extremely high. Tho its no news dat jobs aint readily available bt I was unpertubed cos I bliv am exceptionally different (I still am) and my chances are high due my being intelligent, smart, young, innovative only 2 mention few and above all armed wt a good 2-1.D job hunt started d day after my passing out(13th feb 2014) and till dz moment I haven't gotten a job and dia z no sign of one forth-coming. I can read ur mind @ dz junction! U are actually tinkin wats wrong wt dz one? He has just spent a year for job-hun...

Questions Ladies Ask Without Expecting Sincere Replies

You call it a "Rhetorical Question"? Maybe...But she asks with a keen look expecting an answer and unconsciously, you reply literally then she starts giving you the "silent treatment" or keep it in the secret archive of her busy heart to remind you sometime in the future...# deep sigh # Do they love being lied to? Hmmm... Could that be why The Serpent Lied To Eve? Truly, the saying "Understanding MOST ladies is like understanding an encyclopedia" is valid in this area... I use "MOST" without an apology What Are Some Questions Ladies Ask Without Really Expecting A Sincere Reply? 1. How Do I Look? Don't you get it, girl? After all the "Jezebelian" earrings that looks like a cutlass and horrible make up making you look like a DOLL, how do you think you look? OK, can the mirror tell a lie? Hian! Well, to let peace reign, we'll just say, "you're okay"...and Okay means "I'm just managing you"......

Top 10 Misconceptions About The Yoruba Tribe

As a Yoruba person I find it irritating when I am being judged by misconceptions people have about my tribe, or not being judged based on who i am. We have failed to be one as a nation because of the so called belief we have about each particular tribe, which are mostly untrue and a biased opinion being passed down from one generation to another. I married outside my tribe as a Yoruba person, and my spouse was being advised against marrying a Yoruba person, listing out all my character without even seeing me once. Likewise my people also had their reservations about the tribe i want to marry from. We as a new generation must move past it, and fully accept our flaws and imperfections on an individual basis and not as a tribe. If an Anambra person should offend me, I should not judge all igbo people I meet based on the action of an individual. Every tribe as an element of good and bad people, so not exclusive to a particular tribe. I am not here to defend the so called cha...

6 Key Signs To Know A Broke Ass Girl.

There are broke girls everywhere in Niga. You might think some are daughters of the governor, senator or a very rich man, guy no level for some of them as they are broke like church rat. What you see in them are mere camouflage. When you get to know them, you go know say "che che" nor gum them. Don't be fooled by their phones or bags or wears or shoes. Most of them are borrowed items use for showing off. Relax with a bottle of cooled drink as I unveil the signs of a broke ass girl. 6 Signs to know a broke girl. 1. Broke girls remain focused on keeping their hair and nails done. The broke girls are so worried about how their hair looks? The broke ass girls is always concern with her hail or nails. You see paint of different colours on her nails. They always lied about the cost of hail or nails. Some will tell you they fixed their nailes for 50k whereas a girl did it for them for just 100 box. Everywhere you turn there are girls with designer purses, and on...

Categories Of Students That Carry Expo In The University/polytechnic

[I] Most young Nigerian students cheat at least once in their high school career and it's so funny students behave in ways that are inconsistent with their stated beliefs Almost everybody does it or must have done it at one point in time and I know many hypocrites involved in such act will storm on this thread and start spewing gilbberish. Let's examine each one of these students Note: I am not guilty of any of the stated points. I am actually allergic to masquerade carrying before those hypocrites mouth thrash me. Just joking anyway Oooowkay lemme keep the balling rolling Categories Of Students That Carry Expo In The University/Polytechnic 1. The Ones Who Are Addicted To It [/b] The syndrome of masquerade carrying has been running through their veins since the time of Soddom and Gommarah. Even if battalion of soldier are deployed to invigilate, they will still carry the expo expertly 2. The Lazy Students Cheating offers an easy way out no doubt. They d...

Some Weapons Re-Captured From Boko Haram By The Army (Photo)

How did these militants get hold of such weapons, my goodness.

10 Characters Young Guys Exhibit When Trying To Get Under The Pant Of A Lady

First and foremost, I prostrate and sincerely apologize to all my guys for this write-up cos I know this is an eye opener for the ladies. Guys abeg make una no vex for Tosyne ooooo Oooowkay, without much ado, let's get to business These are the characters guys exhibit especially when trying to get laid either with their girlfriends or otherwise. Even if you have outgrown these characters, you must have one point in time exhibited them especially when MEN were BOYS Just sit down, relax and don't be in a hurry to read 10 Characters Young Guys Exhibit When Trying To Get Under The Pant Of A Lady 1. He Tries To Hide his manhood This really sounds funny. When he starts having Attention, he tries to grab his pillow and stylishly uses it to block the region of his manhood mainly because he doesn't want to be seen as being desperate. It's just one of those signs 2. Smiling Sheepishly YES an average is likely to smile sheepishly even when everything seems to be...

Reasons You Might Not Be Having Light (electricity): To A Layman Understanding

Defined below are Engineering terms for comprehensive and professional digestion; -Operator: The qualified man (Engineer) that closes and opens feeders in a Control Room. - Injection Substation: A structure or building from which Control Room is created. - Control Room: The room housing the Feeders and the Operator. -Feeder: Electricity source of the Substation (Transformer) on your street from the Control Room. -Substation: Transformer on your street. -Line: The path (Wire) along which Electricity travels from the feeder to your Substation (Transformer). -Relay: A part of the feeder that serves as eyes. It gives/shows reason(s) of trip when there is/are fault(s). -Trip: Feeder opening due to normal or abnormal situation as a result of either external or internet fault(s) - Power Transformer: This is the transformer at the Injection Substation from which Feeders feeding Transformers (Substations) receive supply. -Opening: Switching on -Closing: Switching off -Load she...