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Friday, February 6, 2015

As a Yoruba person I find it irritating when I am being judged by misconceptions people have about my tribe, or not being judged based on who i am. We have failed to be one as a nation because of the so called belief we have about each particular tribe, which are mostly untrue and a biased opinion being passed down from one generation to another.

I married outside my tribe as a Yoruba person, and my spouse was being advised against marrying a Yoruba person, listing out all my character without even seeing me once. Likewise my people also had their reservations about the tribe i want to marry from.

We as a new generation must move past it, and fully accept our flaws and imperfections on an individual basis and not as a tribe. If an Anambra person should offend me, I should not judge all igbo people I meet based on the action of an individual. Every tribe as an element of good and bad people, so not exclusive to a particular tribe.

I am not here to defend the so called characteristics of a individual, but here to tell you the actions of 9 out of 10 people in the same tribe does not mean they all behave the same way, we must learn to give people a chance based on their person and not based on where they were born, they never choose to be born in a particular tribe, so they should not be judged by it then.

Here are the 10 Misconceptions about Yoruba tribe.

Yoruba Men Love Women
This misconception is totally false and a blatant lie, personally I am yet to see a man from any tribe that does not love women. I agree with you, some Yoruba men love women and can’t do without them, but also some igbo men, calabar men, edo men, hausa men. And I have seen some Yoruba men who hardly have time for women, and are very less interested in having an affair with more than one woman.

I feel this behavior is a personal trait and should not be generalized. The same people that will categorise you as someone that love women will be the same person that will chase after everything in skirt as far they have money to spend on you.

Yoruba Women are promiscuous
This assertion stem from the fact that some Yoruba women will have children out of wedlock while in their parents’ house, and follow different men while nursing or taking care of their child. I will not deny that this does not happen, it does, but it is never condoned in the Yoruba tribe, as a normal behavior.

A lot of Yoruba women are virtuous women, who remain faithful to their husband, even after the death of their husband, they are still faithful

Yoruba People from Ijebu are Stingy
Even Yoruba people from another part also accuse the ijebu tribe that they are stingy people. If u want to insult someone that he is stingy, you will say he is an ijebu person, I feel this has nothing to do with an ijebu person, and it’s a big misconception that has followed every ijebu person.

Yoruba Person marry more than one wife
As a practicing Yoruba moslem you are permitted to marry more than one wife according to the tradition, that does not include all Yoruba people, most Yoruba men only practice one man one wife.

Yoruba are dirty
Once again personal hygiene is on an individual basis, and his or her background, the personal hygiene of some people should not affect all. Meeting an average ondo person will make you drop this misconception fast.

Yoruba men are lazy and depend on their wife
I personally am hardworking and dislike the idea of even demanding anything from my wife not to talk of living of my wife, and there are over a million Yoruba people who also share and act on this opinion.

Yoruba Men are drunkards
Hmm, hello have you ever been to an igbo wedding before or an average calabar party, witnessed both personally, the amount of hot drinks consumed will make you wonder if it is table water they are drinking. Most men love to drink, so it should not be attributed to one tribe.

Yoruba Men are not bold
From the mouth of every comedian you would have heard about how a Yoruba person loves to brag and shout, but when it comes to facing a fight, he runs away or becomes a coward. First of all nobody likes violence or danger, in the face of it, only a fool will wait and face danger, if he has the option of avoiding it. That is not to say if the situation warrants a confrontation, every Yoruba person will become cowards. I know for a fact this is a big lie, I have seen some very violent Yoruba people and I think to myself is this the tribe that is a cowardice. But no matter what we should discourage violence.

Yoruba People are too fetish
I may be tempted to agree with you, because of what we Yoruba people portray of ourselves in our local movies. To be more factual before the advent of Christianity, Yoruba tribe worshiped deities, but guess what almost all tribe in Nigeria also did before the introduction of religion, but now we know the light not all Yoruba people are fetish.

Bride Price in Yoruba is the Cheapest
I am sure a lot of people will not agree with me, but I will prove my point, if you approach a Yoruba family to marry their daughter, you are given a list based on the preference of the family, it may be high or low, then you can negotiate on what you can afford to do, it can cost you 100,000 to over a million, depending on the family, now that does not translate to being cheap. And when you are marrying a Yoruba person, it is believed that a marriage is between families, and all members of the family chip in something to contribute to the success of the marriage and not heap all the load on the man marrying.


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