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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

Below Are The Commonly Made New Year Resolutions You Can Chose From.

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centers, Quicken, and others shows that more than 50% of Professionals vow to appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family and friends this year.

Will you do the same?

2. Fit in Fitness
Regular exercise has been associated with more health benefits than anything else known to man. Studies show that it reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better so make exercise a priority.

3. Quit Womanizing.
Just like drinking and smoking, a lot of people have promise to stamp out their womanizing habit this year. Would you wanna join them? It is a nice idea and you won't regret doing it it.

4. Quit Smoking
If you have resolved to make this the year that you stamp out your smoking habit, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides easier access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even if you've tried to quit before and failed, don't let it get you down. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good. Start enjoying the rest of your smoke-free life!

5. Enjoy Life More
Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of Nigerians, it is no wonder that "enjoying life more" has become a popular resolution in recent years. It's an important step to a happier and healthier you!

6. Quit Drinking
While many people use the New Year as an incentive to finally stop drinking, most are not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change all at once. Many heavy drinkers fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking. If you have decided that you want to stop drinking, there is a world of help and support available.

7. Get Out of Debt
Was money a big source of stress in your life this year? Join the millions of People who have resolved to spend 2015 getting a handle on their finances. It's a promise that will repay itself many times over in the year ahead.

8. Learn Something New
Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new? Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or just how to fix your computer? Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep.

9. Be Good And Help Others
A popular, non-selfish New Year's resolution, volunteerism can take many forms. Whether you choose to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a child, building a house, or Helping the poors and needy in your street, there are many nonprofit volunteer organizations that could really use your help.

10. Get Organized
On just about every New Year resolution, organization can be a very reasonable goal. Whether you want your home organized enough that you can invite someone over on a whim, or your life so you can attract your dream person, or your office organized enough that you can find the stapler when you need it, these tips and resources should get you started on the way to a more organized life.

Happy Chosing.

You Can Add Yours.

Here are the losers of 2014 ! (In no particular order)..

1. May D

May D seem to be the architect of his own misfortune. Since releasing his debut album, the self acclaimed Sure Boy has been a very lazy artiste, choosing not to put out records every now and then. When he does, he seem to put out decent records… If he does this constantly, he would have released a hit record in the music year but he was only able to release one single all year, titled Ibadi. The video for the record came out only few weeks ago. If the likes of Davido, Wizkid can be releasing songs almost every month, May D has no excuse for his laziness. He had a fantastic 2013 though.
2. Wande Coal

One of the biggest losers this year is Wande Coal. His work ethic also can be questioned. He was able to put out smash singles out in the year with Baby Hello, My Way and Plan B all dropping in 2014 but somehow, Wande Coal failed to match his previous height. The 29 year old still hasn’t released any project since 2009. That is almost 6 years now.

3. D’banj

D’Banj has struggled to achieve musical success since parting ways with his former business partner, Don Jazzy. Business wise, D’Banj did well for himself though, with his recent deal being the one he signed with Beats by Dre, however he failed on musical grounds having released more than 4 singles in 2014, Koko Master doesn’t headline any show these days

4. HKN GANG ( B-red, Sina Rambo, Deekay, Danagog)

Davido might have achieved musical success for himself however his role as a record label chief has to be questioned. Despite all the cash he has, connect, fame etc, the 22 year old music sensation doesn’t look like he will ever sign a music artiste that can make it in Nigeria’s music scene. All his 4 artistes have released at least 2 singles each in 2014, with all of them featuring him on a song aside Deekay. However, none of the 4 released a radio/club friendly single in 2014… They all released at least 1 video each. Total failure.

5. Modenine

Popularly crowned as Nigeria’s best rapper of all time, Modenine failed in 2014. No show, no endorsement, no hit single, nothing!He even released an album tagged Above Ground Level in July featuring artistes like Ice Prince, Don Jazzy, Reminisce, 9ice… Modenine still didn’t achieve musical success in the year, no wonder he was snubbed at the Headies 2014. The rapper himself admitted music has given him fame and not money in a recent interview.

6. Ruggedman

According to Ruggedman, he kickstarted Nigeria’s music revolution, but he has never been part of the revolution. The rapper also rolled out singles in 2014 with the most “successful” featuring another artiste who made this list Wande Coal (Bad combination)… The rapper isn’t getting gigs and awards however. Ruggedybaba is making money from his clothing line though.

7. Vector

Vector swore he is going to make a comeback with his 2014 mixtape, #A7… #A7 was released in September 1st and till date none of the records on the tape has gone viral. He recently released a video for one of the songs, Shiga. Business wise, Vector did cash out though, he was able to sign a deal with Vitafoam according to reports.

8. Kayswitch

Kayswitch: Another year another disappointment from Kayswitch. Widely believed to be more talented than his brother D’Banj, Kayswitch still hasn’t made a name for himself in Nigeria’s music scene since Mo’Hits era.

9. Tonto Dikeh

It appears Tonto Dikeh has given up on her quest to be a music star. The 29 year old signed into D’Banj’s DB records label in 2014… She released a single under DB Records imprint but ever since, her momentum and passion seem to have vanished. Poko Baby has since returned to her first love acting.Her label boss D’Banj also ;made this list.

10. Samklef

Producer Samklef couldn’t get his music career going in 2014. Despite picking fights with Wizkid for publicity reasons, the former hitmaker had a negligible music year. He released an album, droped 5 si


Sunday, December 28, 2014

About 172 million people worldwide consider themselves atheists, adding those who call themselves "unaffiliated" or "nonreligious" brings the number to around 1 billion. Atheism represents a variety of people with equally varied journeys. Some "found" atheism, others have been atheists since childhood. Many people easily transitioned into non-belief but many others found the journey difficult and heartbreaking. Some atheists are vocal activists while others aren't safe to live openly as nonbelievers. Let's celebrate our diversity!

1.) The Life Long atheist
Lifelong atheists grew up in atheist, or otherwise nonreligious families. They were born atheists (as are we all) and for the most part, have never been interested in religion beyond the academic. Most lifelong atheists find religious people perplexing. Having never been exposed to religious communities, they may find it difficult to understand religious people.

2.) The Atheist-at-heart
The atheist-at-heart is very similar to the lifelong atheist but they didn't have the benefit of a supportive atheist community. Even though they might have been forced to participate in religion as a child, deep down, they never fully bought into it.

3.) The Waffler
The waffler has shifted between religion and non-belief in a variety of forms and for a variety of reasons - sometimes multiple times. Some people started out secular then sought out religion in times of crisis or (re)turned to religion because of marriage or children and later find their way to atheism.

4.) The Seeker
Seekers are often deep thinkers, hungry for answers. Some seekers explore and experience many different spiritual paths as they journey through life. Others have never considered themselves spiritual, but have always asked the hard questions, demanding to know "why?". As atheists, seekers often make great skeptics.

5.) The Rogue
The rogue most likely grew up in a religious family (or came to religion at some point), conforming to the religious community and experiencing and expressing religion with sincere conviction. A combination of compelling atheist arguments and internal self-doubt led the rogue to abandon his/her religious convictions, often with a lot of hurt feelings and resentment. Rogues tend to become the most outspoken activists after having seen first-hand how much damage religion can cause.

6.) The Conscientious Objector
Like the rogue, this person chooses to leave religion as an adult, often to the chagrin of family and friends. The Conscientious Objector might actually desire to stay in religious community because they don't want to hurt their family, but they cannot, in good conscience, continue to participate in things they don't believe. They understand the religious impulse and are sympathetic to their religious friends and family

7.) The Reluctant Non-Believer

While most atheists are content in their non-belief, some come by it kicking and screaming and may continue to pine for the days of certainty and religious community. Reluctant Nonbelievers may continue to consider themselves "spiritual" while maintaining a disbelief in any kind of higher power or mystical element to the world, or they may just wish they could believe for whatever reason - often thinking it would be "easier". Some reluctant nonbelievers are atheists who live in very religious communities, finding atheism to be a very lonely path or think they "should" be religious.

So which one of these categories do you belong to as an atheist?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

1:RED! Bank Account now reads N0.00;You cleared your accounts,sold off your properties,went as far as borrowing just to celebrate christmas(a one. day event).

Well,now that christmas is gone,it's time to start regretting,to start learning to live without that smartphone,(the one you sold to eat christmas meat),to start thinking about how to settle that debt! Red eye red eye

Start washing that trailer load of dirty dishes and utensils.The ones you used to cook heaven and earth,serve visitors.The ones you used to eat to the point of... near death  .Wash them!they aint going to wash themselves.

And pack those christmas trees and lights too  .keep them till next christmas.

3:Go for a pregnancy test ASAP!;
After christmas you see used condoms everywhere. You used Jesus' birthday to lamushuang abi.You wee soon pay for it  start getting ready to go for a pregnancy test.

I heard there's a research that shows more condoms are sold on christmas day than any other day in Nigeria.Don't ask me!I heard!

4;constipation and running stomachs;
Time to buy andrew liver salts and to also purge your hearts out  All that food  and you expect not to have constipation?

All that partying,all that many many cooking,all that running around.It's time to rest from them all

Happy new year!
Add yours

Girls don't care about sex and three other lies I've had to unlearn.

I've heard people say that growing up as an evangelical meant they never talked about sex. This wasn’t my experience. I grew up in the thick of evangelical purity culture and we talked about sex A LOT. We just spent all of that time talking about how and why NOT to have it.

As someone who waited until I was married to have sex, I was assured that I would be guaranteed an easy and rewarding sex life. When reality turned out to be different, I was disappointed and disillusioned. Only through gradual conversations with other married friends did I realize I wasn’t alone.

I started to wonder if maybe the expectations themselves were wrong. Maybe what I’d been told or inferred about post-marital sex simply wasn’t true.

Here are four of the biggest lies about sex I believed before marriage

1. Any and all physical contact is like a gateway drug to sex.

Once in high school I attended a big Christian youth conference. One night, one of the chaperones addressed the girls: “Girls, we have noticed some very inappropriate touching going on...”

The inappropriate touching she meant turned out to be two high school couples in the youth group holding hands. This woman was deadly serious. “I know it may not seem like a big deal to you,” she said. “But hand-holding leads to OTHER THINGS!”

I heard similar things from parents, teachers, church leaders and books. In my church it was not unusual for people to pledge not only to save sex until marriage, but even to save their first kiss for their wedding day. “Don’t start the engine if you aren’t ready to drive the car,” and other similar metaphors warned me that any physical contact was a slippery slope straight into the jaws of fornication.

On this side of things, I can honestly say that there are SO many conscious decisions you have to make between kissing and having sex. Despite what Hollywood says, clothes do not take themselves off and bodies do not magically and effortlessly fit together.

If you are committed to waiting until you’re married to have sex, there are many valid reasons to set boundaries on your physical relationship, but the fear of accidentally having sex shouldn’t be one of them.

2. If you wait until you are married to have sex, God will reward you with mind-blowing sex and a magical wedding night. 

Before my wedding night, I had been told that honeymoon sex isn’t usually the best sex. I had heard that good sex takes work. I knew that it would probably be uncomfortable at first. But what nobody ever, EVER told me was that it was possible that it just might not work at all at first. On my wedding night, my mind and heart were there, but my body was locked up tighter than Maid Marian’s chastity belt.

I entered marriage with the firm conviction that God rewards those who wait, only to find myself confounded by the mechanics. I felt like an utter failure, both as a wife and a woman. And while we did (eventually) get things working, this was hard, frustrating, embarrassing and a huge blow to our confidences.

Saving sex for marriage is not a guarantee that you will have great sex or that sex will be easy. All it guarantees is that the person you fumble through it with will be someone who has already committed to love you forever.

3. Girls don’t care about sex.

As a teenager and young adult I cannot count the times I heard something to this effect: “Boys are very visual and sexual, so even though you aren’t thinking about sex, you need to be careful because you are responsible for not making them stumble.”

Let’s disregard for now how degrading this is toward men and focus on the underlying assumption that boys are sexual and girls aren’t. For years I was told that “girls don’t care about sex.” Well, as it turns out, I do. This has been a deep source of shame for me. For a long time I felt like a freak, until I started to realize that I wasn’t the only one, not by a longshot. But I never knew it becau

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Defence authorities have said that a suicide bomber who rammed a Honda car primed with Improvised
Explosive Devices into a military checkpoint in Bajoga, Gombe, State has been killed by soldiers.
The Director of Defence Information, Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade, said in an electronic mail on Wednesday
that the suicide bomber successfully rammed the bomb-laden Honda car into the military checkpoint but
the bombs failed to explode.
Olukolade said that the soldiers reacted swiftly by killing the bomber, who was trying to flee the scene of the
He stated that the troops retrieved the IEDs from the car and handed them over to the police.
“A suicide bomber who rammed into a military checkpoint in Bajoga, Gombe State yesterday (Tuesday),
failed to achieve his mission.
“His attempt to escape also failed as he was brought down by vigilant soldiers when he tried to flee after
hitting a military Armoured Personnel Carrier with his IED-laden Honda car. The explosives which failed to
detonate have been evacuated and handed to the police,” Olukolade stated.
He added that security agents also raided a hideout of terrorists in the Nasarawa Local Government Area of
Kano, Kano State and discovered a bomb-making factory in the area.
Olukolade said that some bomb-making experts arrested by the security agents were already undergoing
According to him, the security forces were expecting the latest arrests to give some useful clues into the
activities of the sect.
The Defence spokesman added that the military authorities had issued a directive to all the troops involved
in the counter-terrorism operation to sustain the tempo of their operations by ensuring that the insurgents
were prevented from attacking civilian targets during the period.
“The troops deployed in all locations of the counter-terrorism campaign have been directed to sustain the
tempo of operations all through the period of seasonal celebrations and ensure that the intention of
terrorists to attack civilian targets while avoiding troops is duly frustrated,” he added.

A building-collapse has killed three labourers at Jabi, Abuja leaving three others injured.
Security agents, including police officers, operatives of Department of State Security Service,DSS, Bomb
disposal unit, Disaster Management and Rescue operation arms of both NEMA and FEMA gathered at the
construction site.
A survivor Musa Umaru told Daily Trust he only found himself on the hospital bed courtesy of the heap of
sand that covered him at the construction while digging a foundation of a new building.
Though unable to narrate the whole story about the tragedy, the survivor listed the names of the victims as:
Ibrahim Musa, Yahaya Mamman, Rabi’u Mamman, Musa Umaru and Surajo (the two survivors).
Operatives from Utako Police Division condoned off the place.
A policeman on the site identified as Sergent Kawu said his division is making all effort to trace the owner
of the house, as well as the site engineer who is on the run.
“We will get him in order to find out whether there is any violation of safety rules,” said Kawu.
However, an eye witness who doesn’t want his name to be mentioned, told this reporter that, he was around
when the men were digging to clear the land for the building foundation, but a heap of sand covered them.
“While we were sipping our cup of tea closed to where the men were digging, we just saw the land slide,
and heap of sand covered the men. Then we started shouting and called for help,” the eyewitness said.

7 Ways To Make Your Parents Like Your Boyfriend

Whether you're in a new #relationshipor have been with the same guy for several years, there are ways to
make your parents like your boyfriend more. Until they realize how great he is, #thingsare going to be
uncomfortable for everyone involved, so it's important to let them get to know each other. Here are some of
the best ways to make your parents like your boyfriend more:
You shouldn't ask your #boyfriendto change so that your parents approve of him, but you can give him some
helpful pointers. If your parents hate when guys send texts that say, �I'm here,� instead of walking to the
door to get you, then tell him he should try knocking instead of beeping. One of the #best waysto make your
parents like your boyfriend more is to figure out little things that he can do that will impress them.
If you have a fight with your boyfriend, try to keep it on the down low. If you're always complaining to your
parents about how horrible your #boyfriendis, they aren't going to like him. Even if you forgive him for his
mistakes, your parents may not, so be careful what you tell them.
If you're happier than you've ever been when you're with him, how could your #parentshate him? Show them
how much you like him and how much he likes you. Once they see how happy you make each other, they
should start to soften up. The most important thing to them should be your happiness.
If your parents have nothing to talk about with your boyfriend, #things could get awkward. You're the one who
knows both of them, so try to find something that they have in common. If your father and #boyfriend both
love cars, then start up a conversation about that. Choose anything that you know they'll be able to talk about
for hours.
If you've been with your #boyfriend for a while, see if he'll agree to helping out around the house. If your
parents are installing new floors, see if he can assist. If your yard needs raking, see if he'll help with that, too.
It requires quite a bit of work on his part, but if he really wants your parents to like him, he should be willing to
do whatever it takes to get their approval.
If your boyfriend gets his #college degree, brag about it to your parents. if he volunteers at an animal shelter,
bring it up in conversation. Mention all of the good #things that he's done, but don't make it obvious that
you're trying to talk him up. Try to mention his accomplishments casually.
If you're shaking with nerves the first #time your boyfriend meets your parents, they're going to wonder why
you're so worried and might assume that there's something wrong with him. Plus, your boyfriend might think
that you're embarrassed by him. The calmer you are, the easier it'll be for your boyfriend to be himself and
make a good impression.
As awkward as it may be, it's best to get your boyfriend and parents in the same room together as often as
you can so they get used to him and see how perfect for you he is. Do your parents like your #boyfriend?

I'm glad to be the first to officially wish everybody merry
Let's quickly do something, just give a shout out to just 10
peeps, be Starloadites or your family members.
In other news, who needs help in the kitchen?
Special shout out to;
1)my mum and dad.
2) my brother.
3) sister.
4) my relatives.
5) sTc
6) patoranking
7) all Mr friends
8 ) my future wife

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hair breaks and losses are one of the most dreaded conditions for young people nowadays. This is because it can deter your facial appearance and may make you an object of ridicule, especially among the female folks.

If you observe properly, you'll notice that most hair breaks do not occur naturally, although it may seem to, because most of the causes are not obvious to you. My point is, you can have some control in preventing your hair breaks or losses if you choose to.
You just have to know the main causes of your hair breaks and how to prevent them from happening frequently. You can prevent your hair from breaking too frequently by simply maintaining some hair care habits.

Here, I'll be highlighting some of the important things you can do to prevent frequent hair loss. These tips are as simple as you can imagine. So, you don't need to put any pressure on yourself to maintain your hair. Follow them and you'll have your hair bounce back and reset to natural mode.

1. Trim blunt ends.

Most times, this can be the artificial cause of hair breaks and losses. If you continue leaving your hair ends to remain blunt and loose, there is a huge possibility that the loose ends may role up and begin to cling to the other top part of your hair. This causes more hair losses when you start to brush or comb your hair. You'll discover that both the loose hair and your main hair will begin to break out. If you want to avoid too much hair loss when combing or brushing your hair, the first step will be to always trim the lose ends of your hair. This will allow smooth combing and you won't lose much hair even if your hair is weak.

2. Brush after drying.

If you want to avoid frequent hair breaks, then avoid brushing your hair when wet. Wet hair will always be entangled and may cling to the sticks of your brush. Another point is that wet hair is soft and more likely to break off. So, the more reasonable thing to do will be to dry your hair first before brushing.

3. Change conditioner.

If you maintain the standard but still discover that your hair do break off easily, then it's time to check your hair conditioner. There are many hair conditioners for different hair types. Some may be too active while others may be too mild for a particular hair type. You need to know what works best for your hair type and try to get the right conditioner if you want to avoid that constant hair break.

4. Get a professional touch.
Your constant hair breaks may not be because of the type of conditioner you use nor because of your hair type. One underrated cause of constant hair breaks and losses is the way you handle your hair. Are you really proficient in hair styling or is your stylist professional enough? Are you too hard in handling your hair or do you try too hard to be creative in styling your hair? Many hair styles require that you twist your hair so much that some of it will break out. If you want to avoid too much hair breaks and losses, then try to get a professional hair stylist who can condition and handle your hair the right way.

5. Don't apply too much dry heat.

Too much dry heat can cause hair breaks to a very high degree. When using your hair dryer, hot comb or hot hair twisters, make sure the heat is in the right degree and be quick to disconnect your hair immediately after each application.

All it takes is a little more care and concern in the way you handle your hair. Once you can put your heart to it, you'll be able to take out all causes of hair breaks and loss. Use the right conditioners and be careful not to patronize any new hair product without a professional recommendation. What is good for your friend's hair, may not exactly be good for yours. So, you have to take care and use every product with caution.

This write-up is not based on mere assumption but my findings and encounter with ladies

It takes the grace of God if you aint guilty of at least one of the listed points

10 Mentality Of An Average Lady

1. A guy must be the one to start up a chat and he must be the one throwing the questions else he is not ready to chat

2. The society frawns against a lady making her intentions known to a guy, therefore, a guy has to keep pestering you b4 you finally agree in order to show to him that you aint cheap or desperate

3. A lady has to hide her virginity status or pretend to hate sekks in order to portray a descent or an attractive image

4. Sending Pm to a dude will make you lose your self esteem or pride as a lady

5. The mentality of an average lady is that, a guy should settle the bills. When the bill arrives at the table, you pretend it doesn’t exist cos you believe it's less of your worry cos a guy should always settle the bills by default

6. You are doing a guy a great favour by allowing sekks. Some will go as far as stripping unclad raining curses on a dude the moment he fuckks up because they consider it as a favour

7. A guy who loves you will go extra mile. Most ladies are brainwashed by this assertion. That is, a lady believes she can treat a guy the way she wants and expects the guy should be able to withstand any poo at the expense of true love
, not knowing you can pursue a man God has destined 4u out of ignorance and selfish motive

8. Any guy who tries to strike up a convo or pay your transport fare will later ask for your phone number 'cos he wants to woo you

9. You have to give unending busy excuses in order to portray an image of rear commodity

10. majority of our ladies believe our world revolve around sekks and that 90% of guys will never resist sekks. This sounds really funny but it is the real fact. I have spoken to so many ladies and I have come into conclusion that majority of our ladies believe that 90% of guys lack self control and will never resist sekks at any slight given opportunity

** Feel Free To Add Yours **

GENERAL Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd), Grand Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (GCFR) was born on December 17, 1942, in the town of Daura in the former Katsina province of the then Northern Nigeria.

He is happily married to Aisha Muhammadu Buhari and has eight children.

He attended primary school in Daura and Mai’adua from 1948 to 1952, before proceeding to Katsina Middle School in 1953.

He also attended the Katsina Provincial Secondary School (now Government College, Katsina) from 1956 to 1961 and then moved to the Nigerian Military Training School, Kaduna in 1963.

In October of the same year, he was sent to the officers’ Cadet School in Aldershot in the United Kingdom and was thereafter commissioned a Second Lieutenant in 1963 and posted to the 2nd Infantry Battalion, Abeokuta as Platoon Commander in 1963.

From 1963 to 1964, he was sent for further training on the Platoon Commanders’ Course at the Nigerian Military College, Kaduna.

In 1965, he went for the Mechanical Transport Officers’ Course at the Army Mechanical Transport School in Borden, England and in 1973, he went to the Defence Services’ Staff College, Wellington, India before he proceeded to the United States Army War College from June 1979 to June 1980.

Muhammadu Buhari was Military Governor, North Eastern State of Nigeria, from August 1975 to March 1976, Federal Commissioner for Petroleum Resources from March 1976 to June 1978 and the Chairman, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation from June 1978 to July 1979.

He became a Member of the Supreme Military Council from March 1976 to June 1979 and the Military Secretary, Army Headquarters from July 1978 to June 1979, before he assumed the highest office of Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces from December 1983 to August 1985.

He later became The Executive Chairman, Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund in 1994.

It was during Buhar’s tenure that the Nigerian National Oil Corporation and the Ministry of Petroleum Resources were reorganised to form the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and he became its first Chairman, a job he performed without blemish.

He masterminded and spearheaded the construction of 20 oil depots throughout the country, a project involving over 3,200 kilometres of pipelines.

Under his leadership, both Warri and Kaduna Refineries were built. He also drew up the blueprint for the country’s petrochemical and liquefied natural gas programmes — all without a hint of scandal.

Gen. Muhammadu Buhari launched the War Against Indiscipline (WAI) as a Head of State and the policy won him national and universal applause, as a result of its effectiveness.

He became a renowned anti-corruption Czar, as a result of his zero tolerance to corruption, which reduced the menace to its barest minimum while he was Head of State.

His practical economic policies reduced inflation from 23 per cent to 4 per cent within 20 months and kept the Naira stronger than the Dollar with an exchange rate of N1 to $1.4.

In 2002, Buhari founded a democratic and political movement — The Buhari Organisation, otherwise known as Project Nigeria, which introduced a new concept into Nigerian politics: Service to the people.

His thirst for true service to Nigeria dragged him into government, as he registered as a member of the defunct All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP)

In 2003, he emerged the presidential candidate of the ANPP and picked former Senate President, the late Dr. Chuba Okadigbo as his running mate.

It was at the party’s national convention in Abuja that Okadigbo, who was also an ANPP presidential aspirant, made the statement that “it takes political sagacity to understand political arithmetic.”

Buhari contested the presidential election in 2003 and lost to Chief Olusegun Obasanjo of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

In 2007, the ANPP was factionalised following the battle of supremacy among the major party stakeholders. Even at that, Buhari emerged the presidential candidate of the party in 2007 and he picked the late Chief Edwin Ume-Ezeoke as his running mate.

He lost the election to the late Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua of the PDP.

Following the crisis that decimated the ANPP ahead of the 2011 general elections, Buhari and his supporters hurriedly founded the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC).

He said that he had supported the foundation of the CPC “as a solution to the debilitating, ethical and ideological conflicts in my former party, the ANPP.”

Attempts by the opposition parties, namely — the ANPP, CPC and Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) to merge before the 2011 general elections failed woefully.

Thus, Buhari contested the 2011 presidential elections on the platform of the CPC and lost to President Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP, but not without a good fight, as he won election in 12 states and gathered over 12 million votes.

Following the move for the merger of the major opposition parties — ANPP, ACN, CPC and a faction of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) — Buhari was among the major stakeholders that contributed to the establishment of the All Progressives Congress (APC) — the first-ever successful political party merger in the history of the country since Independence.

Ahead of the APC Third National Convention and Presidential Primaries held in Lagos between December 11 and 12, it was obvious to political observers that Buhari was the man to beat in the race.

What counted for him is his perceived acceptability at the grassroots, and penchant for integrity and transparency — a virtue that is lacking in most Nigerian politicians today.

Although he has no strong financial base, which is a major factor in politics, Buhari enjoys the support of the party governors and other major stakeholders, who saw him as the right choice for the party in the 2015 presidential elections.

They worked tirelessly for his victory at the primaries and many believe that if the party leaders replicate the same feat in the presidential election, it may be difficult for the PDP to have an easy ride, if at all.

No doubt, Buhari has always constituted the most potent and virile opposition to the ruling PDP in all the elections he contested, and came second to the candidate of PDP. This experience will be an advantage to him in 2015.

In recognition of his numerous and enviable contributions towards the development of the country, Buhari has been conferred with a number of national and international awards.

He is the recipient of the following: Grand Commander of the Federal Republic (GCFR), Commander of the Federal Republic (CFR), Defence Service Medal (DSM), National Service Medal (NSM), General Service Medal (GSM), Loyal Service and Good Conduct Medal (LSGCM), Force Service Staff (FSS) and The Congo Medal (CD), among others.

Buhari, a man with a high level of discipline, who shuns materialism, has zero tolerance for corruption.

Hence, he beats his chest publicly that he has never stolen a kobo of public funds in all the positions he has occupied and challenged anyone, who has evidence to the contrary, to unveil so.

Indeed, he is a man with a passion for selfless service, which he has promised to discharge to the good people of Nigeria if given the mandate in 2015.

Happy Birthday General Buhari! Wish you long life, in good health and prosperity!

Suspected Boko Haram Insurgents, who fled Bama alongside IDPs and formed a syndicate along Bama road at Yanshayi, in Maiduguri, the Borno state capital have been rounded up by security operative. While many were arrested others escaped and are at large at the moment.

Those who were arrested were brought to the headquarters of sector 3 around Gidan Madara ‘Milk shop’ on Tuesday evening before they were moved by soldiers to Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri.

A civilian JTF, who identified himself as Tanimu Shuiabu told our reporter that, they have been arresting members of the Boko Haram insurgents who escaped during and encounter with the Nigerian military and stormed Maiduguri, the Borno state capital as IDPs.

According to him, ” Those who were today arrested were said to have been seen on several occasions planning mischief. They have been kept under close watch until when we found out that, they were members of Boko Haram who came from Bama with the IDPs”

Asked on how they were able to establish that those who were arrested were members of the Islamic sect,. Tanimu said, ” they had guns. They never wanted anybody around to be friends with them and they would always leave other IDPs for private meetings.

” When they were confronted by other IDPs over their nocturnal meetings, they told them that they were only planning on how to go back to Bama, saying that it was better to go back than to continue to live under the present harsh situation and that their major concern was how to get back to Bama through Konduga.

“Also one of the IDPs who saw them with guns sneaked and told some of our boys (civilian JTF) and we inform the soldiers with all the details that we had. After it was established that they were Boko Haram members, the soldiers stormed the place today and many of them were arrested.” He said.

A woman carrying a baby on her back rush to climb a moving truck at Sagamu town in Ogun state. Photo Credit: bagofgists
The sight of men, women and even young children risking their lives in various kinds of transportation makes one cringe.

You see people hanging on to movie vehicles, hanging on the roof of moving train, trying to hop into a moving bus and many other dangerous moves which could send one’s heart into one’s mouth.

This kind of sight can only scare someone who is witnessing it for the first time as most Lagosians are used to it.

When you witness such scenes, it brings different questions to mind like, why would anyone want to die a cheap death?

Street vendors selling local herbal medicine sit at the boot of a moving vehicle displaying their product to prospective buyers at Marina street, Lagos Island.
Photo Credit: bagofgists
Sometimes you begin to wonder what...

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Cross River State Police Command has nabbed a suspect, Edet Okon, with 104 bags of items believed to be hemp, also known as marijuana.

Another two drums containing the substance was also confiscated from the suspect at Ikot-Nkese in the Bakassi Local Government Area of Cross River State.

The suspect, who is in his late 50s, was paraded at the headquarters of the state Police Command in Calabar on Friday.

Edet had claimed that he was not the owner of the seized marijuana, adding that he did not know anything about it.

But speaking to PUNCH Metro, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Hogan Bassey, said the suspect was arrested in his house around 5am last Wednesday following a tip-off.

He said, “We acted based on information. The 104 bags and two drums (100 and 200 litre drums), were stocked in his house when we got there around 5am. He was arrested immediately and brought to the command headquarters.”

Bassey said the command had concluded arrangement to transfer the suspect to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency for further investigation and eventual prosecution.

“From here, we will move the suspect and all the items to the NDLEA office here in Calabar for further investigation and prosecution,” he added.

Meanwhile, Bassey said that the police were ready to tackle crime during the festive season in order to maintain peaceful atmosphere.

Although he did not specify what security measures had been put in place, Bassey said some proactive steps had been taken, adding that it would yield the desired result.

He said the ban on fireworks were still on, adding that the order to arrest users of the banned substances was still in force.

Have you heard of the word 'going...going...gone!' .The following Jobs may soon come to a complete halt in Nigeria. Just the same way many wildlifes are disappearing from our forests. Here are some of those job that are seriously endangered of extinction. Only time will tell.

1)POST MAILING- Nowadays, people now prefer to send their letters via social media rather than going to the post office. The post office was once known for her overcrowding but that's not the case again nowadays.

2) CASHIER- Machines can easily replace most services rendered by cashiers in banks and other places. Only Human preference and level of illiteracy is holding this back. This will surely be overcame with time.

3) CIVIL ENGINEERING- You know why? The government of our country now prefers to award road/railway/construction contract to foreigners mostly from China and Korea, rather than giving this to engineers in Nigeria. Very soon many Nigerians who studied this course may find it difficult to express their knowledge and ability in this field.

4) JOURNALISM (Newspapers)- Who are those that buy newspapers.? They are mostly old people who as little or no knowledge of the internet. The youths of nowadays simply prefers to view news and happenings on bloggers sites and other websites.

5)FINE ART (Drawing)- there are some newly developed app for phones/computer that can sketch, design,paint and bring out great artwork. They can change human pics to pencil or cartoon type. This can easily be enlarge and printed out which really save time and money.

6)PHOTOGRAPHY- Since the emergence of camera phones,many photographers now complains that people now prefers to snap pictures with their phones rather coming to them.

7)WRIST- WATCH REPAIRING- Many people nowadays, don't consider going to repair their wrist watches when they got spoilt due to the presence of time on their phones. So if you don't want to die of hunger, better don't risk learning this trade.

VIII) CALL CENTERS: Almost all Nigerians now owns a GSM. Besides. Many telecommunication network service now offers calling rates at cheaper price. With this, i don't see any reason going to call at a call centre.

9)CYBER CAFE/BUSINESS CENTRES: Just like GSM. Very soon many Nigerians would soon be a proud owner of their own computers laptops, and printers. When this happens so many of them would prefer to carry out their transaction online in their homes than to go to a Cafe.

10)OKADA BUSINESS- In state like Lagos, riding motorcycles had been barred in many of their highways. There is still high tendency that other states may still regulate this rule.

11)SECURITY GUARDS- There are various machines and robots that can equally perform this Job. But human preference and the high capital involve is still holding this back.

12) FARMING- Many youths in Nigeria are now running away from farming. They now prefers white collar job. I hope one day,we won't be employing labourers from countries like Togo,mozambique and Niger republic to come and work in our farms for us.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Between Patience Jonathan and Aisha Buhari
Posted by: admin in Celebrity Lifestyle, News, Politics 1 hour ago

As the incumbent president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and the APC presidential candidate Gen. Mohammadu Buhari(retd.) begin their campaign ahead of the 2015 election, the candidates’ wives have the same role: energise the base and humanise their husbands.


Dame Patience Faka Jonathan was born 1957 into a respectable Christian family of Chief Lazarus Iwari-Oba in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. South South Nigeria. She is the current First Lady of Nigeria and a permanent secretary in her Bayelsa state. She is married to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Azikiwe Ebele Jonathan.

Dame Patience Jonathan earned her school certificate in 1976, and passed the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in 1980. In 1989, she obtained the National Certificate of Education (NCE) in Mathematics and Biology from the Rivers State College of Arts and Science, Port Harcourt. She then proceeded to the University of Port Harcourt and studied Biology and Psychology.

Patience Jonathan started her career as a teacher at the Stella Maris College, Port Harcourt and latter administrator at Sports Institute Isake. From there She moved to the banking sector in 1997, where she established the first community bank in Port Harcourt called the Akpo Community Bank. She served as Marketing Manager of Imiete Community Bank. She returned to the classroom briefly again as teacher. Eventually she was transferred to the Bayelsa State Ministry of Education, where she served until 29 May 1999 when her husband became the Deputy Governor of the state. On 12 July 2012, she became a permanent secretary in Bayelsa state. She and her husband have two children.


Hajia Aisha Buhari was born in Adamawa state into the family of the first Minister of defense , Hon. Mohammadu Ribadu. A thoroughbred Fulani woman, she is a granddaughter of the first Ciroma of Adamawa. A woman with a royal pedigree, Aisha Buhari was raised in the tradition of philanthropy which has been a guiding principle in both her private and public life.

An alumna of the Ahmadu Bello University where she studied a Bachelors in Public Administration, her quest for for more education took her into the field of Physiotherapy and Beauty Therapy.She is a graduate of International Affairs and Strategic Planning. She is also an alumna of the famous Carlton Institute of London and the Academy Esthetique Beauty Institute of France where she earned post-graduate diploma in Cosmetology and Beauty Therapy. A philanthropist,she has encouraged and supported her husband, Gen. Mohammadu Buhari in politics and private enterprise. Her marriage is blessed with successful children.

Today marks the 17th year that gospel musician Yinka Ayefele had the motor accident that almost got him killed. He took to his facebook page thank God for sparing his life. Read what he wrote below: "REJOICE AND THANK GOD WITH ME. the journey started exactly 17yrs ago, it was on Friday December 12th 1997. On my way to Abeokuta where I had that ghastly motor accident. it was indeed MY TURNING POINT. "ODUNMBAKU" I will for ever be grateful to you my Lord. Thank you all for your love, support and encouragement. When there is life there is hope."


Sunday, December 7, 2014

This write-up is based on my encounter and observation. Moreso,I also fall in at least one of the categories. 1. The one who wants to open to the book of Revelations but will start searching from Genesis 2. The one who doesn't know where a particular bible verse is located but he will use you as case study because he doesn't want to be left out...You can easily mislead this people. "Open to Matthew and he will open to Matthew even if the pastor asks the congregation to open to Deutereonomy. 3. The one who will check the table of contents for accuracy.The pastor says Open to Genesis and you'd find him checking the table of contents, "Open to Mark",he will still check table of contents(just name it). 4. When a pastor calls a bible verse and you all heard him. He will start searching and get confused on the way only for him to turn to you and ask you the chapter the pastor called. Sometimes I really wonder what he's thinking and thinking. 5. The ones who is using a New Testament Bible. When the pastor calls a bible verse in Old Testament,he will start searching his bible as if he has it there...if i hear say he dey dia(forming things) 6. The one whose Bible is torn. When the pastor calls a Bible verse which seems to be torn off from his bible,he will concentrate and begin reading another verse because he doesn't want you to notice he has a torn bible. 7. The one who will open his bible within the twinkle of an eye,ask them to open a bible verse that has only one page and you'll be amazed. I wonder how these people are so accurate in searching. 8. The ones who will never locate a bible verse not until after the church has forgotten they ever read the bible verse. 9. The ones who open the bible verse and start looking as if it was written in French. You will see discomfort and insecurity registered on their faces the moment the pastor tells them to narrate what the bible verse is talking about. 10. The ones who don't open their bible at all. They come to church with a bible but won't open it rather they would be staring at people's clothes,shoes,phones just name it. Which category do you fall under?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

This piece is not aimed at discrediting any of these stars, neither is it aimed at encouraging people not to acquire university education.
These stars haven't acquired university degrees or their equivalent. Some were at the university but had to drop out due to reasons best known to them.
But their inability to successfully acquire a degree in any discipline hasn't prevented them from climbing to the top of their chosen careers.
Most of them speak fluent English, even more than some of their colleagues that are graduates, not to talk of those that are half baked graduates that can't express themselves in simple but correct English.
With the way some of these stars carry themselves and also comport themselves, you wouldn't know that they are not yet graduates without being told.

It's necessary to point out that the value of higher education cannot be over emphasised. Education is a desideratum and these stars are aware of it too.
Interestingly, even though they have made it without possessing higher degrees, they still appreciate the value of education and still have the desire to go back to school some day.
Talents may not be enough; so it's still good to pursue higher education while maximising one's talent. For the fact that it worked out for them even without acquiring university degrees or its equivalent, doesn't mean it may work out for others. So higher education is still a desideratum.
With the high rate of unemployment in the country, talent becomes a tool for self empowerment for some people after graduation.

Here are top entertainers that have been able to make it even without university degrees or its equivalent.

She is a super star, classy, hot and beautiful. No doubt, she's vividly intelligent too and has a very good command of the English language. But Ms Nnaji hasn't been able to acquire a Tertiary education, even several years after saying that she would go back to school. Although it is not late yet.
Below is an excerpt from her interview years ago where she spoke about her educational background:

Let’s have your bio-data. People don't seem to know much about you?

"I’m from Aboh-Mbaise in Imo State. I went to Kemistar Nursery and Primary School, Surulere; Methodist Girls High School, followed by one in Ikeja. I kept on moving. But ended up at Girls Secondary School, Akwakuma in Owerri, Imo State.

Why have you not furthered your education?

Life is not the same for everybody. Some people are so lucky, they come out of secondary school and they go straight to university because they have the back-up of people and it’s so easy. It looks simple…mine was different. But I’m determined. Definitely, I’m gonna go back to school. I wanted to make money, I love my money, I cherish my own money. So, I will go back when I’ve made enough. But even while I’m there, I won’t stop working.

She's the hottest and most sought after actress at the moment in Nollywood. She is intelligent, speaks fluently and delivers her roles flawlessly. But Mercy dropped out from the university to concentrate on her chosen career. She however expressed her desire to go back to school soon.
Excerpt from her interview:

Growing Up & education tell me about your childhood. What was growing up like?

I was a tomboy. I am the fourth child from a family of seven children. The first four are girls and the last three are boys so I actually moved a lot with my brothers, climbing trees and stuff like that. We didn’t get everything we wanted but we got everything we needed. I’m from a very humble background, a Christian family. My Dad is an ex-military officer and we basically grew up in a Military environment. I attended Navy Primary and Secondary Schools until I went to the Lagos State University before I deferred.

What were you studying at the University and why did you choose to defer your studies?

I was studying English and I deferred at the time I was moving to my 200 Level. I was sort of very busy with my career, acting here and there, making money and it got into my head. But I’d love to go back to school.

To Lagos State University?

No. I’d love to take up some acting lessons or study a course in Acting since that is what I’m into.

Your profile on Wikipedia says you got into acting because you failed your University Entrance Examinations. Also, there were some reports about you leaving school because you weren’t so good with your academics. Are these reports true?

I banged my JAMB, yeah that is true. I had to write JAMB twice. But it is not true that I wasn’t good with my academics. I didn’t have issues with passing my exams at school.

Van is a top actor in both Nollywood and Ghollywood. He is a respected actor who speaks fluently. But Van said one of his greatest regrets was his inability to acquire a university degree.
Hear him:

So what were your ambitions while growing up?

"I always wanted to be a doctor but never had a chance to, because I never went to university after my secondary education, which is one thing I regret. Right now, I am taking some marketing courses at the university.

He's a super star actor with class and speaks the English language flawlessly. But Ramsey is not a university graduate and he recently confirmed that in an interview.

The Koko master is one of the leading musicians in Africa. He is on top of his career, clinching awards from left, right and centre.
D’banj stopped school at his 300 level. He was studying Mechanical Engineering at that time.

A few years ago when rave of the moment, Wizkid dropped out of Lead City University in his second year, not a few thought he made the wrong decision.
Although he chose to follow the music path,the artiste, whose real name is Ayo Balogun, does not underestimate the importance of education.

‘’I don’t regret stopping school for a bit because it did give me all the time to push and work on my music. I’m definitely going back to school. Education is very necessary and I hold it in high esteem.’’

He is making waves in the Nigerian music industry.
He chose music over his university education.
Hear him:

" parents never wanted me to sing. They wanted me to goto school. My mum wanted me to be a banker. I tried but book no gree enter myhead. It wasn't my fault and no be by force, because all I wanted to do was music then. Because I love and have passion for music and being in music is no joke."

He is a super star singer. He had indicated his desire to go back to the university to study law.

SUI: You once told me that you would
like to go back to school to study
law, do you still have plans to do

Tuface: Yes, I want to do that. I can’t say when
exactly, maybe in the next two or three years?
But I’m definitely going to do that."

He appears to be the hottest Yoruba actor. The Yoruba movie actor, Odunlade Adekola, who has difficulty in relating well in English language aside Yoruba is now a 100 level Part-Time undergraduate of the University of Lagos, UNILAG studying Business Administration. Odunl­ade, an Abeokuta-based actor always interpret his scripts very well,to the delight and enjoyment of movie buffs. He has proven his mettle in the industry, as a damn good actor, and this has earned him several awards and endorsement from a number of multinational companies.
He's a brand ambassador for telecommunication giant, Glo and also to Ekiti State, while his face also has graced many advert billboards in Ogun State on Taxation by the State Government.
All things being equal, In another four years from now, Odunlade Adekola will be a University graduate.

He is one of the wave making musicians in the country and in Africa. He said he's not a graduate yet, that he still has one more year to graduate.

Music sensation and BET awards winner, Davido (David Adedeji Adeleke), had cleared the air on the rumour that he was one of the new graduates from Babcock University, stressing that he only attended the ceremony to celebrate with a friend.The artiste was forced to make the clarification following accusation that he graduated without writing any examination in the school.

From a few past experiences,here are some signs that could signal an eventual end to your relationship i.e your A$$ is about to be dumped.

1. You guys used to chat (Whatsapp/BBM) almost everyday even when there was nothing really interesting to chat about. Suddenly he/she stops chatting with you regularly and when a chat does occur you get more of 'one-liner' responses.

2. When he/she decides to go on more night outings without your presence (or consent) with excuses such as, "it's my colleagues Bach eve" or "It's an all girls nite out" or "Are you my father/mother". If this happens just once, fine...if it starts to happen more regularly, it's a sign.

3. When you suddenly start making extra effort to convince him/her to have $ex with you, in spite of the fact that you guys have always had a very $exually active relationship.

4. You lay hands on his/her handset and he/she suddenly becomes apprehensive or suddenly remembers to make an important phone call thereby collecting the phone from you.

5. An important social event takes place in his/her family circle and you were neither informed nor invited with the excuse that it was just a low-key event.

6. He/she decides to travel or relocate abroad,only informing you after Visa and travel documents have been successfully processed.

7. He/she cannot explain exact location the night before and gets mad or upset just because you asked.

8. You've been calling him/her at a particular time during the day but no response,then you get a return call about 6 to 24hours later with several excuses.

9. When you go out on dates he/she starts to shy away from the littlest PDA (Public Display of Affection),which was not the case in the immediate past.

10. You no longer receive random gifts from him/her, and when gifts do come,they are no longer of the same value or quality as the ones he/she got you in the past.

Surely,there are many more signs that have not been captured here; however I really hope that the ten (10) signs already mentioned helps those facing such scenarios as we speak.

Comments and Questions are welcome

As you may or may not be able to tell, I am on a mission to educate America about Africa – all 54 countries – and what is to be African. Okay, so I’m kidding about knowing everything about all 54 countries and I cannot speak for all Africans as it turns out. Still, I love making sweeping generalizations in my free time so why not do it about an identity I at least identify with? I have always found it interesting that no matter where they actually grow up, African children, at least of my generation (and probably socio-economic class), are pretty much raised the same way. So, here it goes:

1. Your parents are basically demi-gods. It doesn’t matter if you learned that the sky is blue. If your parents say the sky is orange, the sky is in fact, orange. At least, in their presence.

2. Your parents will seldom ever admit they are wrong. And if and when they do, you will be too stunned to even believe it.

3. Your grandparents are the only people who can put your parents in their place. (And you will enjoy those moments.)

4. Your house is a free for all. At some point a relative, twice-removed, will be invited to stay for an extended-period of time.

5. You will likely be raised the old-fashioned way -“you spare the rod, you spoil the child” kind of old-fashioned way. In your adulthood, you’ll largely be grateful for it and you’ll always be able to tell the difference between people who were raised the same way and people who were not.

6. God help you if you’re living under your parent’s roof and you yell at them, slam a door in anger, and/or curse in their presence. Yeah, God help you.

7. The youngest child will be blamed for everything….until he or she is able to talk.

8. The oldest child will be blamed for everything that the younger children do.

9. If you cry while being accused of something, it is assumed that you are guilty.

10. Your parents will call you from upstairs, downstairs, outside, etc., to hand them something that is literally 10 centimeters away from them.

11. You will not leave your parents’ home without learning how to cook.

12. Religious attendance and practice is not an option.

13. Everyone who is older than you is your “auntie” or “uncle.” Calling them by their first name is basically a crime against humanity.

14. You will probably never meet all of your extended family because there are just so many of them.

15. This one specifically applies to most Nigerians (although I have to hand it to papa and mama Biakolo for not putting this kind of pressure on us): Doing well in school is not an option and by doing well, parents have expectations that you will be the best at everything. Example: If you get a 98%, they might ask, “What happened to the other 2%?” If you get a B, your parents will likely ask, “The person who got an A, do they have three heads?” Just do well in school.

16. Your friends better greet your parents first when they see them or that friendship is pretty much over. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is H-U-G-E.

17. Sleepovers at friends’ houses are mythical tales or basically only happen when your parents have known the family’s family since the beginning of time.

18. Another mythical tale – being in a serious relationship with anyone when you’re in your teens. And until your parents believe you are of, “courtship age,” they will refer to anyone you are dating as, “your friend.”

19. You will still be expected to have a traditional engagement/marriage regardless of where the person you’re marrying is from. (Have fun explaining the details of that to all your significant others!)

20. Your parents will talk to you in a lot of proverbs and metaphors. For example, when I was 12, I spent half a day trying to figure out what my dad meant when he said, “When I talk to you and advise you, do I talk with water in my mouth?” I eventually got it.

21. You will have maybe 3 conversations about sex with your parents – one when puberty starts to take its course, the second one when you start secondary school Biology, and the third one when you are about to leave home. The will all surprisingly sound like the Mean Girl’s quote, “Don’t have sex because you will get pregnant and die!” followed by “Do not bring shame to this family!” Got it parents, I can’t start dating until I’m married and I can’t have sex until after I’ve had children.

22. Your siblings will be the first people to bully the crap out of you. Later on, you’ll realize that they were preparing you for a big bad world out there.

23. If your entire full name is being called, and your native language is also being spoken, the day shall not pass without tears.

24. Soda in the fridge? Either your parents were in a REALLY good mood or there are visitors coming over.

25. Surprisingly, alcohol is a hit or miss with African parents. It depends on the set that you get. My dad drinks, my mum doesn’t (at all). I got to choose. I chose my dad’s viewpoint.

If You Didnt You These ... Nawa, Where You Grow??

― If you didn't kill earthworms with salt.
― If you didn't play with rubber bands.
― If you never bathed in the rain.
― If nobody told you about India vs Nigeria 99-1.
― If you didn't sleep on the couch and wake up on
the bed.
― If you didn't go to steal cashew and guava in the
next street and the owner's dog
comes through the backyard waiting for you to
down from the tree.
― if you didn't throw your milk tooth on the roof for
the lizards to take it and give you
new ones.
― If you didn't just wash your
hands and legs instead of bathing when going to
― If you didn't act film in uncompleted building or
under bed with friends.
― If you never flew a
- If you didn't use your two legs to build houses with
- If u didn't write your name on paper and insert it into
your pen so that no one will
steal it.
- If you didn't close the fridge door really slowly to see
when the lights went off.
- If you never waved at white birds
expecting your nails to be whiter
- If you never heard of a ghost dat stays under mango
trees at nights
- If you didn't drive a single car Tyre with a stick and
called it ur car!
- If you didnt mix garri n sugar in your
pocket and eat while walking in the street.
- If you never did mama and papa play i.e. cookin
grass nd sand witout fire.
- If you didn't play table soccer with bottle cover.
-if you never steal a meat 4rm pot.
-If you never bath inside bathroom and went out
Unclad, with your
cloth in ur hands.

Then I guess your Childhood wasn't

1) The First Finishers: They are always the first to finish; maybe it's to show they are brillant or who knows they might have seen Orijo(expo)

2) The Dependents: This category of people are the type who come to the exam hall empty headed.

3)The Holy Ones: You are friends before exam start but once you start exam you become temporary enemies. Dem no sabi you again.

4)The Giraffes: They tend to have long necks and sharp sight. Always looking for who to spy

5)The Selfish Ones: These set of people will never be willing to give out a little of what is in their brain, they are always looking for ways to add to theirs. Awon Oloshi

6)The Magicians: They come to the exam hall with magic handkerchiefs/pens. Ntoor! You see them cleaning their face every minute

7)The Pretenders: They dress like SU, you see them praying for like 30mins before they start writing only for them to bring out expo and start cheating. Some even smuggle handout in. Nigerians Sha.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married Early. In fact, there are certain plausible advantages of getting married at a younger age. The belief that early marriage comes as a burden and an incomprehensible commitment, is not really a standard that applies to all. So, here are some reasons that explain why marrying early can be a good decision. #1. The perfect age saga Marriage is more about the ‘perfect person’ than the ‘perfect age’. Many argue on the necessity of being prepared for marriage. But in reality, you can never be prepared for it whether you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s. So, if you find your prince charming or dream girl at an early age, then there is no point actually waiting for long to get married. It is all about spending the beautiful moments of your life with the person you love. So, think about finding the right person rather than waiting for the right time to arrive. #2. You get more quality time with each other The young couples usually do not have the pressure of achieving parenthood immediately after their marriage. In fact, they get enough time to know and understand each other before the biological clock starts ticking. So, when you get married early, you have a lot of time on your hands before you indulge into family planning or saving money for future. You can enjoy your life with your partner without worrying much about these things. You can see the world together and steer your life the way you want it. #3. More harmonious relationship You are more likely to be a companion and a friend to your partner rather than just being a husband or a wife. While you would be learning to live life as adults, you would be more flexible with each other and more open to compromise. Also, you will have enough time to adjust with each other’s temperament, and understand one another before you delve into more serious and deeper responsibilities of life. This way, you are likely to be more compatible than the couples who get married late. #4. More lovemaking time You will get to experience those beautiful moments of cosy lovemaking with your partner more frequently as compared to those who get married late. It surely will help you to feel strongly connected with your partner emotionally as well as physically. And since you do not have the pressure of having kids right after your marriage, there is ample time to thoroughly enjoy this time with each other. Also, many researches show that after having kids, the couples usually experience a dip in their lovemaking activities due to reasons like low energy, lack of time etc. #5. Sharing each milestone The milestone of achieving parenthood is of course one thing, which every couple experiences together. But when you marry early, there is a lot more that you achieve as well as celebrate together. Whether it is buying your first car, moving in to your own home, achieving success in career- the happiness increases manifold when you have a partner by your side to share these amazing experiences of life. #6. Being a great parent As you would have spent so much time together, you are expected to share a really strong bond with each other. This level of understanding between the two of you is one of the key requirements of being a great parent. When you attain parenthood in your twenties, you are all the more excited as well as energetic to spend time with your child. On the other hand as you grow old, you might be burdened with issues like financial well-being of your family or your own health. This will take away the time from you to be with your child. Furthermore, seeing your child become independent before you retire is an achievement in itself. While you become a proud parent at the right time, do not let it take away the charm from your married life. Here are 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage after Kids #7. A second chance Although this is not at all desirable, but if at all things go terribly wrong in marriage, the younger couples get a slightly better chance to bring everything back on track. Since they would have already shared many ups and downs together, they would know how to handle each other during tough times. Surely, an early marriage is no recipe for success. But, it is necessary to understand the nuances of a marriage to make it an accomplishment. Getting married by mid-twenties is a great option and with the above reasons, we hope you know why.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What a married woman says about her marriage is most of the time the opposite of the truth and reality of what her life is. Her mother brought her up on the ‘marriage is forever’ creed. Her pastor said ‘marriage is till death do you part’. The society insists that all divorced women are loose and lousy. What does she do between the devil and the deep blue sea? She tells everybody what they want to hear. Well, check some of these out and see if they are familiar.

*.1. If I come back into this world again, I’ll marry my husband over and again.

The truth: Is my husband coming back to this world again? Aaarggh. God will have to choose between creating him and me. If that goat is coming back to the world, then I am definitely not coming. That way there is no likelihood of us ever meeting even for dinner, least of all marriage. I have had enough of him to last ten lifetimes. I know God is not wicked, so He won’t allow me to marry this man again.

*.2. My husband has never raised his hands against me. I don’t understand women who stay with men who physically abuse them. It is so crazy.

The truth: Of course, it is crazy and I’m no longer sureof my own sanity. Or why else am I still here? He has removed two of my teeth and I had been hospitalised with cracked ribs before. His eyes light up when he’s beating me, so I think he’s crazy too. Maybe we are both lunatics but trust me, nobody understands wife battery like I do. I guess we’ll soon form an association, League of Battered Women, and I’d be the founding Country Director. It’s not funny.

. *.3. My husband is the perfect gentleman. He is so wonderful, all any woman would want in a man.

The truth: Perfect gentleman, my foot. He belches loudly, talks with his mouth full and doesn’t know what you use a dessert spoon for it is different from what you use a teaspoon for. If he’s not picking his nose in public, he’s eating his nails. He’s forever embarrassing me in public. What’s worse, the only topic he can discuss intelligently is football. He can’t name 10 governors in Nigeria but he can tell you the names of the goalkeepers in the Premiership. He forgets my birthday, comes home late on our wedding anniversary and has locked my father out of our home before. He runs me down in front of my friends and pinches their buttocks when he thinks I’m not looking.

. *.4. No woman can snatch my husband.

The truth: This one? He was snatched a long time ago. I have given up on him and accepted my fate. He has two children outside from two different women and weare still expecting more. He is the original he-goat. If you put a skirt on an electric pole, he’ll wink at the pole. He’s insatiable. My only worry is for my life. A man who has children outside his marriage is a non-condom-wearing dog. And that makes me a candidate for HIV and its little brothers.

. *.5. If not for my children, I would have left him.

The truth: Leave him and go where? Who will take care of me like he does? Leave him and forfeit my good life- summer and winter holidays wherever I want, contacts that being married to him gives me and the good sex? Not on your life! Sure, sometimes I feel like killing him but I’m not leaving him. In fact, he’d have to die to get rid of me. The advantages far outweigh the down side and never mind the children angle, if I really want to go I can take them, can’t I? I’m simply not going anywhere, not now, not soon, not ever.

*.6. He is the pillar of support for my career.

The truth: What pillar? That man is permanently holding diggers and cutlasses to cutdown my career and uproot everything good the whole world can see I have achieved. If you know what I have had to stomach to remain a ‘Mrs’, you will pity me. This man has come to my office several times to harass my colleagues, accuse my boss of sleeping with me. He once came into a restaurant where we were having a breakfast meeting to make trouble thinking that I was meeting a lover. He stormed in and found eight of us at the table. This ‘pillar’ of my life regularly locks me out of the house if I return home later than he wants. Right now we are in the middle of a major ‘boko haram’ because I want to goabroad to round off a PhD programme and he has said if I go, it would be the end ofthe marriage. He is asking me what I need a PhD for if not to be addressed a Dr when he is still a Mr. You should not believe everything you see because some of these things are photo tricks.

*.7. He is a great provider. He makes sure I don’t lack anything.

The truth: I pay the rent and the children’s schoolfees. I am the one who makes sure he doesn’t lack anything but it is such a shame and I cannot tell anybody. This human being is lazy but he loves the goodlife. I am sticking it because if I leave today, everybody will declare me guilty, arrogant and a deserter. I wish things were different but I have to sustain this lie.

. *.8. He is a stud and he wears me out in bed all the time. In fact, I’m tired.

The truth: Stud ko, stud ni. I’m lucky if he touches me once in a month. All he thinks about are his containers and consignment. He has consigned me to the dustbin of celibacy. I am so hungry for the ‘thing’ now I’m eyeing Audu, the maiguard. Can you blame me?

Types of Boyfriend.

The Jealous Boyfriend: The jealous boyfriend will absolutely lose his cool at you over the thought of you talking to his best friend while making a cup of tea in one room while he is in another. He is extremely possessive. He isn't trying to control his girlfriend...nahnah___ just that he has "little faith in the society".

Insecure Boyfriend: He is similar to the jealous boyfriend but more narcissistic. This happens when you carry babe wey pass you hehe...
He is insecure because of his stand in the society and the fact that he is hooked with a "hot girl".

Joseph The Dreamer: This one wanna be like Dangote. "Someday I'm gonna be rich and famous, I don't know how___ but, God is in control". He needs that lady that would help him pursue his dreams, morally/financially if need be.

The Egoistic boyfriend: He is self-obsessed with himself. Doesn't care about your feelings or the relationship. He is most likely rich or built like Treysongz...if not,why homegirl go dey tolerate da kind thing? lmao 
Mr Nice guy: This is that genuine guy every girl is looking for (Chibwike). He is ever willing to listen to you, has your best interest @heart.
___ Please don't take advantage of him.

The Jerk Boyfriend: He is not really egoistic, but probably isn't fascinated by the whole relationship thing. He is probably in one, just for the sake of being in one or to avoid being tagged g**.

The Sensitive Boyfriend: This one just wanna depreciate your body value...hahaha. "Touching body boyfriend"
He is perpetually excited, this could be an advantage/disadvantage__ depends on the babe.

Antique Boyfriend: His ideology of life is so 1960. He keeps reminding you that you're not mature or you act childishly. He isn't fascinated by social activities. You guys might just stay @home and talk about the Civil War.

Parasitic Boyfriend: This is a clear example of an endo-parasite and problem child. He doesn't have any dream, he isn't a hustler. Just wanna live off the babe, when you refuse to give___ you know the rest na.

Hommiez over Chick Boyfriend: He prefers to hangout with his hommiez than be with you. His friends come first, no matter what. Don't push too hard, because you may be tagged that evil chick that wanna break friends up.

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