10 things Guys Check Before/after Approaching A Lady

Lets take a scene where you coming out form a supermarket and a lady just walk past the road towards your direction

Before Approaching the girl.

1.Structure Check: we check for what really differentiate from being a girl.. The bossom and back side, the size and its positioning...Yeah we do that
2. Complexion: The complexion matters too..normally being light skin makes u look attractive..but not all Dark girls are unattractive, especially those #made_of_Black..
3.Body Carriage/Step: The way they carry their body while walking also matters and their step too...not a situation where a girl with x leg is walking you don't know whether she is moving left or right lol...
4.Hairdo: This also matter..the kind of hair she has on tells better who she is..
Brazilian Hair = Rich home,
Attachment = Middle class
Hand made = really cant tell..lol
5.Dressing: The kind of dress she is wearing will also tell...You see her on a bom shot and pink polo you know yeah easily to achieve unlike ankle level skirt and turtle neck longl sleeve top..

Approaching Her

6.Her Voice/Intonation: Yeah her voice really tell much about her..the type of school she attended, hard-to-get abilities, Swag.. Even though she feings them
7.Mouth Odour: You know there is this kind of mouth odur that you percieve you know that you dont really need Mosquitoe coil again just open the mouth down in the night and you see the Magic...
Yeah we check the mouth odour too it shows you are clean inside..
8.Make up: A look at the Face too tells too..good make up really attract Guys too not the makeup that will make guy ask you ''Nah your Face be this abi you wear mask?''
9.Sound of Laughter: The sound of your laughter too makes up happy to show you accept our company and also make the Basketmouth in us come out..
10.Response: The response we get tells us if you are intrested or not. Response like..really,wow,you dont mean it, tell us more can keep the ministry moving...unlike ok,and so,never mind..


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