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Monday, December 15, 2014

Have you heard of the word 'going...going...gone!' .The following Jobs may soon come to a complete halt in Nigeria. Just the same way many wildlifes are disappearing from our forests. Here are some of those job that are seriously endangered of extinction. Only time will tell.

1)POST MAILING- Nowadays, people now prefer to send their letters via social media rather than going to the post office. The post office was once known for her overcrowding but that's not the case again nowadays.

2) CASHIER- Machines can easily replace most services rendered by cashiers in banks and other places. Only Human preference and level of illiteracy is holding this back. This will surely be overcame with time.

3) CIVIL ENGINEERING- You know why? The government of our country now prefers to award road/railway/construction contract to foreigners mostly from China and Korea, rather than giving this to engineers in Nigeria. Very soon many Nigerians who studied this course may find it difficult to express their knowledge and ability in this field.

4) JOURNALISM (Newspapers)- Who are those that buy newspapers.? They are mostly old people who as little or no knowledge of the internet. The youths of nowadays simply prefers to view news and happenings on bloggers sites and other websites.

5)FINE ART (Drawing)- there are some newly developed app for phones/computer that can sketch, design,paint and bring out great artwork. They can change human pics to pencil or cartoon type. This can easily be enlarge and printed out which really save time and money.

6)PHOTOGRAPHY- Since the emergence of camera phones,many photographers now complains that people now prefers to snap pictures with their phones rather coming to them.

7)WRIST- WATCH REPAIRING- Many people nowadays, don't consider going to repair their wrist watches when they got spoilt due to the presence of time on their phones. So if you don't want to die of hunger, better don't risk learning this trade.

VIII) CALL CENTERS: Almost all Nigerians now owns a GSM. Besides. Many telecommunication network service now offers calling rates at cheaper price. With this, i don't see any reason going to call at a call centre.

9)CYBER CAFE/BUSINESS CENTRES: Just like GSM. Very soon many Nigerians would soon be a proud owner of their own computers laptops, and printers. When this happens so many of them would prefer to carry out their transaction online in their homes than to go to a Cafe.

10)OKADA BUSINESS- In state like Lagos, riding motorcycles had been barred in many of their highways. There is still high tendency that other states may still regulate this rule.

11)SECURITY GUARDS- There are various machines and robots that can equally perform this Job. But human preference and the high capital involve is still holding this back.

12) FARMING- Many youths in Nigeria are now running away from farming. They now prefers white collar job. I hope one day,we won't be employing labourers from countries like Togo,mozambique and Niger republic to come and work in our farms for us.


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